Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Quick, fun quiz:  Name the first 8 phrases or things with the word “honey” in it that come to mind.

These are mine:
  • Honey Nut Cheerios
  • Honey I shrunk the kids
  • Honey, I’m home
  • I love you honey
  • Honey Boo Boo
  • Honey bee
  • Honey… the movie
  • Honey roasted almonds

Did any of yours match mine?  If so, I grant you an air hug.

So… why the quiz about honey?  Well, honey is mentioned ALL the time!  It is everywhere!  And one place it should DEFINITELY be is in your kitchen.

This time of year can bring coughing, tiredness, scratchy throats, etc.  I have already had a little dose of that and I am sure most of you have too.  Honey can be used as a natural cough suppressant.  In fact, Penn State college of Medicine did a research study and found that honey is as effective as over-the- counter cough medicine.  Guess Mary Poppins needs to redo her song… “A spoonful of honey helps the medicine go down.”

I found a great recipe that I know I will try the next time I have a rough coughing spell.

Nurse Barb’s Honey Cough Syrup
  • Zest of 2 lemons= 1 ½ tablespoons
  • ¼ cup peeled, sliced ginger or ½ teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup honey
  • ½ cup lemon juice


In a small saucepan, add lemon zest, sliced ginger, and 1 cup of water. Bring mixture to a boil, simmer for 5 minutes, and then strain into a heat-proof measuring cup.  Rinse the saucepan out and pour in 1 cup honey. On low heat, warm the honey, but do not allow it to boil. Add the strained lemon/ ginger water and the lemon juice. Stir the mixture until it forms a thick syrup.  Pour into a clean jar and seal with a lid.  This can be refrigerated up to 2 months.  For ages 12 and up, take 1 to 2 tablespoons every 4 hours.

The recipe was provided by the National Honey Board.

Honey can also increase energy.  It is a high carbohydrate food (17 grams of carbohydrates and 64 calories per tablespoon) and can add flavor to just about anything.  It’s a one-ingredient food too… you know how much I love that!

I also enjoy the story behind honey.  I appreciate the hard work that went into making honey by bees and the beekeepers.  And did you know that there are more than 300 varieties of honey found in the United States?  Pretty AWESOME if you ask me.

So, now I have to ask… what is your favorite thing to put honey on?  I like to sprinkle honey on my peanut butter and banana sandwiches.  Yum!

Eat well,

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Roasted Kettle Kernels

Love that crunch!
I am all about the crunch.  I am sure you have your texture of choice too.  I am the person who always toasts bread and the one you can hear snacking from a mile away due to the snack's crunchy loudness.

I get NatureBox once per month to try out some new snacks.  I have a favorite lately.  Ever heard of Roasted Kettle Kernels?  Almost like Corn Nuts, but better ingredients.  I used to love Corn Nuts as a kid so was thrilled to welcome these back into my life again with some non genetically modified (GMO) ingredients.  Don't worry, I am not going to throw any jargon at you about GMO vs non-GMO (great idea for a future blog post on my sister blog Simple Delights though).

Since I get these through NatureBox, I am not 100% sure if you can find them in a grocery store. My guess would be that you could find them at a Whole Foods or Central Market (or any other specialty store of the like).

The ingredients are below.  Sugar is the 2nd ingredient so you do not want to overdo these or eat them ALL the time, but I love the heck out of the crunch.  When I need a new snack, these provide a tasty update to my snack repertoire.

If you like crunch, give them a try.  Have a favorite crunchy snack?  Please share!

Eat well,

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Chocolate Covered Strawberries

What to BRING Wednesday... to that holiday party!
I have chocolate covered strawberries on the brain.  And not because I have had these recently or have even seen them in stores lately, but I think they would make a great holiday treat.  If you have all those holiday parties to go to and need a treat to bring, why not bring something sooooo delicious AND adds a little nutrition bang for that buck?

So this week, I take out the "eat" and replace with "bring" for "What to BRING Wednesday!"  My holiday party is Dec 13th where I am to bring a treat so I plan on following through with this idea.  What about you?  Have a healthy, but TASTY holiday treat?

I have not made chocolate covered strawberries myself and if I had to guess, they are probably pretty messy.  But, getting a little messy in the kitchen never hurts anyone.  So here is a recipe I think I will try from Real Simple:

Chocolate Covered Strawberries
1 lb strawberries (~20)
4 oz semi-sweet chocolate

  1. Coarsely chop the chocolate.  Wash and dry the strawberries.
  2. Place the chocolate in a glass bowl and microwave in 30-second intervals, stirring in between, until melted and smooth.
  3. Holding a strawberry by the stem end, dip in the melted chocolate, letting the excess chocolate drip off.  Repeat with the remaining strawberries.
  4. Place the strawberries on a baking sheet lined with wax paper.  As you set each berry down, slide it 1/2 inch to the side to prevent the formation of a chocolate "foot".
  5. Refrigerate the strawberries until the chocolate is firm, at least 30 minutes.  They will keep for up to 3 days in the refrigerator, covered.
Original site for this how-to can be found here:  Real Simple Chocolate Covered Strawberries

Eat well,

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Don't forget the leftovers

Who doesn't love Thanksgiving?  It is a time of being thankful for those around you and for the food on your table.  And if you are anything like my family, there will be plenty on that table.

Save the leftovers!  Some of the best meals can be made out of your leftovers.  A few of my favorites are:

  • Turkey and cranberry sandwich: If you have rolls left over, use that as the bread.  Or if you have your favorite bread handy, use that.  Use a little cranberry sauce as your condiment and load up some turkey in there.  Sometimes I will use mustard too (because I love the heck out of the stuff) and lettuce.  I have also tried this with a little bit of cream cheese (a little bit goes a LOOOONG way so keep that in mind).  Yum!  
  • Turkey casserole:  This is one of my mom's favorites.  She makes a casserole with the leftover dressing and turkey.  Super easy, as all you have to do is mix the two in a casserole dish and bake it!  She will sometimes add potatoes and gravy if needed or cream of mushroom soup.
  • Turkey soup or stew: You can really put anything in your soup or stew.. that's what I love about them.  Use your favorite vegetables, add the turkey and chicken broth, and make your soup or stew with love.  Need a little more help?  Check out this recipe from AllRecipes.  Looks delish!
  • Turkey bulgur salad: I love the way turkey and bulgur taste together with a little twist of fruit.  I usually make this salad with a little pineapple, but since it is Thanksgiving and cranberries are so IN right now I found this recipe that looks tasty from Taste of Home:
Have a favorite Thanksgiving leftover recipe?  Please share!  

And before you enjoy your meal, think of everything you are thankful for.  I am thankful for all of the important relationships in my life... family, old friends, new friends, and of course my furry loves too.  They bring a smile to my face daily!

Eat well,

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

An apple a day

An apple a day keeps the doctor away!  And pleases the taste buds!

My all-time favorite food is an apple.  I am in awe that I have not written about these gorgeous things yet.  Sure, I have written about apple chips and apple cider vinegar, but not apples.  What was I thinking?

So anyway, let's start with an important question.  Why do I like apples?  Well, for one, what other type of food has hundreds of varieties?  I could try a different apple every week if I wanted to.  Second, they are easy to grab and go.  I pack one in every single lunch I take to work (not always the same variety mind you- I keep it fresh & fun like the fresh prince of Belair).  Third, they are delicious.  This should really be the #1 reason because taste really is important when it comes to food to anyone with a tongue.  Fourth, they are nutritious.  These babies are high in fiber and vitamins.

Curious what variety to try?  Here are a few to start with...
  1. Golden Delicious:  These never get old and have a pleasant taste.  They are not as tart as Granny smith apples, but sweeter than their red counterpart (the Red Delicious).  Great versatile apple!
  2. Honeycrisp: These can be on the pricey side, but everyone I talk to say this is their all-time favorite apple.  Honeycrisp apples are out of this world delicious!
  3. Gala:  Easy to find at any grocery store and has a good flavor for an on-the-go treat.  They are usually one of the least expensive apple varieties.
Another one of my favorites right now is the Macintosh.  It is very shiny and beautiful in color.  It
The Macintosh apple
is sweeter than my usual Golden Delicious, but offers a good break from the norm.

So tell me... what is your FAVORITE apple variety?  And if you say you don't know, jump on the apple wagon and try at least 1 or 2 new varieties this week.  Apples are in season so eat up!

Eat well,

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Cookies by George 350

I love a good local business and I love a good cookie or two (or three, but who is counting?).  Put those two together and you get George 350.  

I had a get together at my house this past weekend and needed a treat to serve.  I am not much of a baker.  Perhaps I will get my bake on more in the future, but for now I will let the pro's do the baking.  Anyway, I sent in my order to George 350 and these were perfect to serve.  Portion control is easy with the smaller sizes.  The taste is out of this world.  The variety of flavors can reach all different taste buds.  And the owner is super cool!

A bag of cookies comes with about 10 cookies inside.  They are $7 a bag and worth every penny.  The flavors I had at the party were: 
Tasty treats!

  • I heart chocolate & toffee (my favorite!)
  • Coconut, sunflower seeds, & oats.. oh my 
  • snickerdoodle dee-lish
  • Peanut butter
  • I heart Santa (sugar cookies with a Christmas candy corn in the center- so cute!)
The owner, Tony, is also open to suggestions and special requests.  With the holidays coming up, these can make tasty treats to pass out to co-workers, friends, and family members.  Make a basket of goodies and include a bag!

To learn more about George 350, be sure to "like" the facebook page

Eat well,

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Roasted Almonds

No matter how you crack it, almonds are GRRRREAT!
 Matt and I are having both of our families over on Saturday for a get together.  In a perfect world, I would make everything from scratch.  But, in my real world, that won't happen. However, I love all things simple!  I found a very simple honey cinnamon roasted almond recipe that will be my "from scratch" contribution.  

First things first, we all know how great almonds are.  Did you know that almonds have been shown to decrease appetite without increasing body weight?  In all my nutrition studies, almonds are like the holy grail.  They help curb cravings, are a perfect go-to snack, and do not cause people to gain weight (despite the higher calorie/fat content).  It's a natural food- comes right from nature.  I eat almonds daily.  They are FABULOUS for you!!

Anyway, you knew that right?  Good.  

Now, here is a recipe you can try if you are wanting to add a little "sweet" kick to your almond snack.  Great for holiday parties as well!  And the topping does not add much calories as compared to other roasted almond recipes I found.  One other mention: the aroma is to die for.  I almost want to bake these on the day of the party to keep my house smelling like roasted nuts.  Reminds me of the holidays!  If honey and cinnamon is not your thing, you are CRAZY!  Kidding, but if it truly isn't you can also roast your almonds and then top sea salt only.  Still a good snack.  

Honey Cinnamon Roasted Almonds

After the roast!
2 cups almonds
1/2 cup water
2 tablespoons honey
1 teaspoon cinnamon
Sprinkle of sea salt


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. Foil a cookie sheet and spread out the almonds.  Bake for 10 minutes.
  3. Combine water, honey, and cinnamon together in a bowl while almonds are baking.
  4. Take the cookie sheet of almonds out of the oven. Place almonds in bowl with the mixture and stir to coat.  Place the almonds back onto the sheet. 
  5. Bake for an additional 8 minutes.
  6. Let cool and sprinkle with sea salt.

Must give credit where credit is due.  Slightly modified the recipe from Dietitian Debbie who can be found here:

Eat well,

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Halloween treats

Trick or treat- give me something good to eat!
Before you go reaching into that candy jar and have a free-for-all, hear me out.  Halloween treats are just that- treats.  But, since it isn't everyday that you have a bowl of candy in front of you for a whole night, why not have a few?  Key word being "few".  Here are a few tips to enjoy your Halloween treat and not feel like a brick wall after all the little goblins, zombies, and witches have gone to bed.

  1. Pick your favorites.  Is Snickers your all time favorite candy?  Can't live without Twix or Kit Kat bars?  Choose wisely and forget the mediocre stuff.  If you could care less about Tootsie Rolls or Starbursts, leave them for the trick or treaters.
  2. Limit yourself.  Pick your number.  Are you going to eat 5 small pieces of candy?  2 bigger pieces?  Have your number ahead of time and stick to it.  Stick with the single digits or you may be praying to the porcelain god later if you aren't careful.
  3. Pace yourself.  If your magic number is 5, spread those 5 pieces out.  If you have them all before you carry that bowl to the door, you may fall into temptation later.  Think about it: you will be dangling that carrot stick at least 100 times in one night.
  4. Focus on the fun.  Halloween is exciting!  Whether you are out at a party, on the streets smashing pumpkins, or at home passing out candy- focus on the fun.  When you are having fun, you are not worrying about what to eat and what not to eat.  That is how life should be.  Enjoy every moment!  Have a scary movie on, light some candles, or play some spooky music (Thriller tops my list).
  5. Be good to yourself.  If you do overindulge, know that you can get back on track tomorrow.  It takes 3,500 calories to gain 1 lb. of fat.  You know what that means?  Your extra calories from the candy jar are not going to kill you.  Heck, they probably aren't even going to make you gain weight overnight.  Go ahead, sigh of relief.  I got ya.  Eat a little extra veggies the next day.
What is your favorite Halloween treat?  Mine would have to be Twix.  And my magic number is 3.

Eat well,

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Veggies on a Stick

Colorful AND Tasty- can't beat that!
Veggies on a stick
Don't make me sick
Or make my heart go 2-4-6
They really are tasty
And look so clean 
I bet you could find one in a magazine
Wanna have fun
Here comes Suzie with an extra long one
She can grill it, eat it, & get that veggie fix
But I bet you $50 that she can't do this...
Close her eyes and count to ten 
If she messes up, she's a big fat hen!

Were you singing along to that slightly altered elementary school rhyme?  I sure hope so!  That's the kind of joy that veggies on a stick bring in the food world.  The colors can brighten up any mood and/or food dish!  

And what's even better than that? They are super easy!  For these, we cut up zucchini, squash, and 3 different colored bell peppers.  Can't forget the baby tomatoes either- those are my favorite!

I have to credit Matt for the seasonings- he drizzled olive oil over the skewers and sprinkled them with garlic herb seasoning and creole seasoning.  You can choose whichever seasoning you like or keep them plain.  They don't take too long on the grill either, but if you are grilling any meat I would recommend putting the veggies on first.  They do take longer than the meat.  We kept them on about 20 minutes and the veggies were soft (my ideal).  

What veggies would you put on your skewer?

Eat well,

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Chili Bowl

Sourdough bread goes GREAT with chili!
I just had the BEST tasting chili EVERRRRRR!!!!!!

That is a strong statement, but it is true.  Or at least partially true.  My mom's chili is pretty off the charts too.  And her 3 bean chili.  Wow is that good!  But, my boyfriend doesn't like that one too much when I make it.  Guess it's the "no meat" part or the fact that I am surprisingly spice-shy.  I need to douse that shit!  And that I will from now on... friends, don't be afraid to use spices.

Anyway, all this talk is about chili.  Does it make you want a bowl?  Heck, I know what I am having for lunch.  I am not a leftover fan, but I can do leftover chili.  Absolutely!  

The weather is starting to turn (or has turned for some of you folk), which is the best time for chili and other soups.  There are plenty of recipes out there.  And for the quick and easy cook, there are plenty of mixes out there.  I will share you my favorite of both.  And then, of course, if you are a doll... do share yours too!

My favorite recipe.  It is the 3 bean chili recipe I mentioned above.  Perfect for my vegan or vegetarian friends!

3 Bean Chili

  • 1 can black beans
  • 1 can garbanzo beans (chickpeas)
  • 1 can kidney beans
  • 1 cup lentils, rinsed & drained
  • 15 oz can tomato sauce
  • 1 envelope chili seasoning mix
  • 15 oz can diced tomatoes & green chilis
  • 4 cups water
Mix all ingredients in a crock-pot and cook on low for 8-10 hours.  Like I said above, don't be afraid to add in your own spices and seasonings!!  I sometimes add sliced jalapenos for a little kick.

My favorite mix.  For any soups really, I LOVE All of Us Old Plantation Soups.  The mix I got for this batch of chili is River Road chili mix.  All you have to add to is is beef and a can of tomatoes & tomato sauce.  When I do beef, I buy grass-fed.  I believe that if the meat is treated right, it does a body good. I don't trust all that processed feed and hormones that other cows get.  But that's my soap box for you and is just my preference!  
Buy grass fed when you can!

I buy this mix at Canton.  But, you can also buy it online.  I have tried at least 4 of their soups and not one was a disappointment. 

Okay, your turn.  Favorite chili recipe or chili mix?

Eat well,

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Bear Naked Morning Power Pack

Mix into plain yogurt or plain Greek yogurt!
Lately, it takes all that I have to get to work on time.  And I am still late!  But, this week I am determined to make it on time and here is my trick: a grab and go breakfast.  

I love long mornings and that is part of my problem.  I love to slowly wake up, cook up a healthy and wholesome breakfast, take time to get ready, and perhaps catch a little news or some tunes.  However, most of us do not have the luxury to do this daily.  We need something quick, easy, and that will get us out the door in no time.

I found Bear Naked Morning Power Packs this weekend at Target and gave them a try Sunday and Monday morning with a little plain Greek yogurt.  Yum!  So easy, delicious, and kept me satisfied for hours! 

These are 200 calories a pop so are to be a main part of the meal.  They also have 10g of fat, but most of the fat comes from nuts and oil so not too shabby.  These packs have 5g of protein so pairing with yogurt or Greek yogurt will pump up the protein a bit more (keeping you fuller longer).  The ingredients are all ones I can pronounce.  They have more ingredients than what I typically like, but when I am in a rush convenience wins!

Let's see if I can get to work on time this week.  Got another quick and easy breakfast idea?  Feel free to share!

Eat well,

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar & Honey
Have you tried apple cider vinegar yet?  Hopefully not by itself.  It is NOT tasty on its own (in my opinion).  However, it has some GREAT health benefits and I have a recipe to make it a little more appealing to your taste buds.

I saw this recipe on a website and it had come from Dr. Oz.  I know not everyone out there likes Dr. Oz, but I for one reallllllly like him.  His books with Dr. Roizen are fabulous, easy to read, and offer humor on serious subjects.  I like that.  Anyway, so this is from Dr. Oz and it is super yummy if you like grapefruit at all:

Mix 8 oz. grapefruit juice with 2 tsp apple cider vinegar and 1 tsp of honey. 

I drink it before breakfast several times per week to get that apple cider vinegar in!

Some of the touted health benefits of apple cider vinegar include:
  • Helps tame tummy troubles and prevents indigestion
  • Helps maintain healthy skin
  • Relieves muscle pain from exercise
  • Helps control weight
  • Promotes digestion and ph balance
  • Helps soothe dry throats
  • Helps remove toxins
  • Supports a healthy immune system
The above is my favorite apple cider vinegar recipe, but I have seen people drink it as a shot or put into a salad dressing.  What's your favorite way to get in some apple cider vinegar?

Eat well,

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Super Easy Stir Fry!

Easiest stir fry ever!!

If you are like me, you are a busy bee.  I do not like to take too much time in the kitchen unless it's part of my "me" time like on the weekends.  Weekends are for longer cooking extravaganzas.  Weekdays?  Absolutely not.  I have a gazillion other things to do.  And so do you, I'm sure.

So, one day last week I needed a quick and easy dinner before walking out the door to meet with my lovely mother.  I am so lucky that we live close now!  I get to see her at least once a week and I looooooove that.  Okay, anyway.  Ready for my super easy stir fry??

I don't do recipes when I am randomly cooking something for myself so here is the best recipe explanation I can come up with.  

  • Chicken breast, cut up into chunks (what a funny word to say)
  • Snow peas (or any other vegetable you want I suppose)
  • Soy sauce (if you frown at soy sauce, Bragg's is another good option.  See pic below)
  • Creole seasoning (what ISN'T this stuff good on?!?)

Cook your chicken up first (I usually use a little bit of olive oil when cooking chicken).  Season it with the creole seasoning if you like it.  If you don't, find something else or throw in a little soy sauce to start.  Once the chicken is cooked (i.e. no pink in the middle), throw in the snow peas and a few drizzles of soy sauce (no need to overdo it).  Saute for a bit.  Then, cover and lower the heat.  Let the snow peas soak up the sauce to get nice and soft.  After about 10 minutes I'd say, you are done.  Easy, breezy, beautiful.. cover girl.  Or stir fry.

Got an easy recipe for me?  Please share!!

Eat well, 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Challenge Scoop: The End!

This is my last blog post about the 24 day challenge journey with Advocare... these are only my opinions!

My Challenge Scoop:

  • I found a new drink that provides lots of energy for morning runs (Spark)
  • I found a new Omega 3 supplement that I really like (Omegaplex)
  • It was a new experience and this challenge also motivated me get my 10K training program up and running so it came at the perfect time
  • The chocolate protein shake was not my favorite. I tried to like it, but only ended up drinking it 3 times.  I prefer shakeology if I am going to drink a shake.
  • The fiber drink I mentioned before was hard to get down
  • The supplements made me feel loopy and like I could pass out after 15 minutes of taking them (Max phase)
Recommendations if you do the challenge:
  • I think Spark is best to drink on an empty stomach and first thing in the morning (some of my friends mentioned it making them feel weird if they drank it in the afternoon or after a meal).
  • Like I mentioned above with the Max phase supplements, they made me feel like I could pass out so my recommendation is to make sure you eat a good breakfast, lunch, and snacks if you need them.
  • If you are not already a healthy eater, use this challenge to incorporate more fruits and vegetables too (or to change a specific habit that has been a barrier to your health).
And just in case you were wondering, I did not lose weight on this challenge.  But, it wasn't my goal to lose weight.  I am not sure of my measurements yet, but I was healthy before and I am healthy after so that is all that matters to me.

Hope you enjoyed the challenge posts and if you have specific questions for me, shoot me an email at

Eat well,

Red Cherry

Red Cherry

Red cherry, dark cherry,
You're too good for me.
So tasty, so merry,
And keeping me healthy.

Frozen one, fresh one,
It doesn't matter really.
Big one, little one, 
I'll eat you up fo-really.

Super fruit, cherry juice,
Reduces muscle soreness.
Take root, no excuse,
Eat five more no less.

Red cherry, dark cherry,
I'm never too good for you.
So tasty, so merry,
A healthy bowl for me soon!
It had been awhile since I laid down a rhyme for the blog so couldn't resist.  
As you can tell from the rhyme, cherries are excellent for you, especially if you exercise.  Cherries reduce inflammation in the body and reduce muscle soreness.  Cherries also have antioxidants.  Grab a bowl of frozen cherries, drink a shot of tart cherry juice, add dried cherries to a salad or cereal, or wash and eat some fresh cherries.  Go ahead, do it now.  
After all, life is like a bowl of cherries...
Eat well, 

P.S. If you have been following me on the 24 day Challenge, it ends today.  I will write a final wrap-up post later this afternoon... consider it "2 for 1" Wednesday!! :)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Challenge Scoop: Max Phase Begins

My blog posts about the 24 day challenge journey with Advocare continue...
Bring on the Max Phase!

Max Phase Begins 
Today starts day 1 of the Max phase.  It consists of supplements and Spark 30 minutes before breakfast and then a meal replacement shake for breakfast.  I got the chocolate  flavor for the shake.  I am not the biggest fan of meal protein shakes in general so chocolate is the safest bet for me.

Here are a few tips to making protein shakes a little tastier:
Fits in the shake cup!
  • Blend.  Use the blender and put ice in it every time.. it makes it more of a milk shake consistency.
  • Add a little flavor.  Add some cinnamon, vanilla, or even a little fat free milk.  If you still need more, add some frozen fruit or a banana.
  • Don't add too much extra.  If you add too much water, ice, milk, etc. the shake will be much larger than you want it to be and will take you forever to drink it.  I like mine to fit easily into a shake cup.  Picture to the right.
Vacation Challenge
I went on vacation for days 2-5 of this max phase.  I don't know about you, but when I am on vacation my regular schedule goes out the window.  While some people feel this is bad, I take this as a good thing.  It's good to change things up every so often and it's never a bad thing for the mind to take vacations. 

I had a blast with my best friends and their kids.  I didn't drink the shake every day (no blender and I am not one to drink it without crushed ice) and I didn't follow my typical workout schedule.  I did, however, make sure to take all my supplements.  I didn't eat clean every day.  Who does on vaca?  I did eat intuitively and savor every bite, even when I tried "the best donuts in Hopkinsville."  It's all about balance- even when you are on a challenge or on vacation.  Life is not perfect so nutrition does not have to be either.

Eat well,

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Challenge Scoop: 10 Days In...

My blog posts about the 24 day challenge journey with Advocare continue... since the last one was super long, I am giving you the short and sweet. The good and the not so good.  Enjoy!

10 Days In...
5 Things I Love About This Challenge:

1.   I have more energy.  Not sure whether to credit the Spark alone for this or the cleanse in general, but I really feel like I have more energy and mental clarity.  Two great things for a busy body like me.

2.   I am getting regular Omega 3's.  I really don't eat much fish so need omega 3's through supplement form.  This challenge emphasizes omega 3's with the Omegaplex once per day so I feel good getting plenty through this challenge.

3.   My cravings have decreased.  I have had sugar one time- this past Sunday.  And it was mainly because ice cream sounded REALLY good after a long day outside.  I went from having sugar daily to once per week.  Crazy cool!

4.   I do not have to restrict or deprive myself of a certain food group.  I do not advocate restriction and that is what I love about this version of a cleanse.  I do eat healthy on a regular basis so have not had to change up my eating habits much.  However, I do think it could help someone get a kick-start on eating healthy too. 

5.   Spark.  I know I mentioned this before, but Spark is helping me get through morning runs.  I love it and will keep this habit up even after the challenge is over.  I recently tried Watermelon too- yum!

3 Things I Don't Care For About This Challenge:

1.   All the extra vitamins create bright yellow urine.  Too much information?  Possibly.  But you know it has happened to you too.  It's the water soluble vitamins.  Nothing harmful about this necessarily, but having urine the color of a highlighter is weird.

2.   The fiber drink.  Matt thinks my fiber drink looks like a termite's nest.  I have to say that tomorrow is my official last day with the fiber drink and I am happy about that.  It's not the worst thing I have ever tried, but it isn't my favorite either.

3.    Monster pills.  The cleanse pills are huge.  I am already done taking them, but they were huge. 

Other things to note:

I am done with the "Cleanse" phase today.  Stay tuned about this next phase!  I will be going on a trip this weekend so may have some obstacles, but will keep it up. 

My workouts during this challenge consist of running (following my 10K training plan) 3 days per week and cross training another 2-3 days.  I try to incorporate 2 Pure Barre classes if I can as part of the cross training.  If I can't make it to a class, I "take" a class at home.

My sleep has been whack the past few days (and possibly a week or so).  I am going to experiment and see if the challenge has something to do with this or if it is something else.  Will let you know what I come up with!

Eat well,

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Taking a 24 Day Challenge!

The next few blog posts will be about my journey on the 24 day challenge with Advocare.  I have been getting a lot of "cleanse" questions lately.  It just so happened that my friend and Pure Barre instructor, Molly, was starting a 24 day challenge with a 10 day cleanse period.  So here I am... ready to give you my experience, thoughts, and tips on this cleanse & challenge specifically, while also providing insight into cleanses in general.  If there is a specific cleanse that you have a question about, email me at

8/25: The Day Before...

As with anything starting up, I always get a mix of feelings the day before “go” day.  I get excited to try something new.  I get anxious to see what positive or negative results I may get.  I get determined with the preparation and making sure I know exactly what I need to do to kick it off right. 

A few fun facts:
The cleanse part!
  • I have a sweet tooth so am going to give up sweets and sugar (for the most part) during these 24 days.  Think 80-90% of the time.  I don't believe in complete restriction!
  • Because of the above, I may or may not have had a little extra sugar today in preparation.  I don't recommend that, but I am definitely human... and the last package of Nutter Butters were calling my name.
  • The first 10 days of this challenge are part of the "cleanse" phase with the first 3 days including a Spark energy drink, fiber drink, Omega 3 supplement, & a cleanse supplement.
  • A cleanse does not mean you have to be on strictly liquids.  I get to eat on this challenge.  Side note: you should eat on any cleanse you do too.  Liquid diets do NOT teach you anything and just cause you to gain weight back once you are off them.
  • If you are interested and serious about doing cleanses, you only need to do a cleanse once every 3 months.
  • In reality, your body is pretty AWESOME and can cleanse itself.  Fruits and vegetables help cleanse your body too.  But, a "formal" cleanse like this one every now and then do not hurt either if you prefer it (and especially if you feel you have a few too many Big Macs, overly processed baked goods, or the like).
  • I do the grocery shopping in our house. I secretly decided to buy treats that only Matt likes to keep me from being tempted by the aforementioned Nutter Butters he normally keeps upstairs.  Good thing he doesn't read my blog (start evil laugh now).
8/26 & 8/27: Days 1 & 2...

My first day went excellent.  I literally woke up, drank my Spark, and felt so great that I went for a run.  I am not a natural morning person.  It takes me awhile to wake up and I was tired.  Okay, realllllllyyyyy tired this morning.  But after I drank a Spark, within 10 minutes, I felt much less tired and had plenty of energy to get my workout on early in the day.  Now, keep in mind that I am not a coffee drinker so I wasn't replacing anything with Spark- just adding it to my daily routine.

My second day didn't go as well, but I am not blaming it on the challenge.  I am blaming my "aha!" moment for not clicking in BEFORE breakfast.  You see, there is such a thing as too much fiber and it does not feel good on the tummy-tum-tum.  My breakfast should NOT have been muesli with greek yogurt when the fiber drink has 10 grams of fiber per serving already!

My thoughts after the first 2 days:
My 10K Training Tools!
  • I will eat a high protein, low fiber breakfast (think eggs!) when accompanied with a fiber drink.
  • I am drinking a lot of water.  I always drink water, but I feel like I am drinking even more which is always good.
  • I am excited about the Omega 3 supplement.  I do not eat fish on a regular basis so definitely need my Omega 3's.  Omega 3's help reduce inflammation in the body and are great for the skin, among a whole host of other benefits.
  • The fiber drink is weird.  But, I mix mine with orange juice and let's be real... orange juice can make anything weird taste good.
  • Fruit punch is my favorite flavor of Spark so far!
  • Taking the cleanse pills right before I go to bed makes me a little nervous.  Not really sure why.  It's definitely a mind over matter thing.  I am sure I will uncover the reason or uncover my nerves after a few days.
  • I am "training" for a 10k currently so run 3x week.  I am way more of a dancer than a runner so this running thing is not easy for me.  I think Spark is going to help me train better... and that excites me!
'Til next time...

Eat well,

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Cinnamon Apple Chips

Best snack ever!
The other day I ventured into Central Market.  That place is like Tiffany's... I find a new gem every time I walk in! This time, I grab my favorite peanut butter (Central Market's brand of crunchy) and see some new items to the left.  They are bags of baked apple chips.  I am an apple lover so these intrigued me.  Bought a bag of the Crunchy Cinnamon Apple.  It was love at first bite!

Whether you are an apple lover or not, you have got to try these!  Seriously, I will be buying these more regularly from now on.  And get this? The only two ingredients are apples and cinnamon.  Hell yes!  Tasty?  Absolutely... beats any chip I have ever tried out of the water!

These are small bags and have two servings each.  I got mine for $2 so $1 per serving.  I think this is a good price, especially when it can replace another not-so-healthy snack.  These snacks are organic too.  Apples have one of the highest pesticide count and are part of the "dirty dozen" so going organic with apples is always a good idea.  

Keep in mind that I am talking about the barefruit brand.  I saw a different brand at Kroger that added sugar.  These are sweet enough on their own and do not need sugar!

All you moms out there- even your kids will like these.  Perfect fit for a brown bag lunch!

Eat well,

Find more info here:

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

La Croix

How many of you absolutely love the taste of water and never want or need anything else to drink?  I am willing to bet that there aren't many.  Most of us get bored with water at certain times and need some flavor.  

I am not a huge fan of soft drinks or diet soft drinks.  If you can't live without these, have them every once in awhile (newsflash: once in awhile is not once per day).  Perhaps it is just the fizz or carbonation you crave?!  If so, you will love my latest drink obsession: La Croix.  

What do I love about La Croix?  Ohhhhhh let me tell you.  Here is what I love:

  • No calories (I like to eat my calories- not drink them)
  • Tasty (they come in so many different flavors!)
  • It's fun to say (make it even more fun by saying it with an accent)
  • Hydrating (it does count towards your daily water intake)
  • Soothing (what other drink makes you think of the island St. Croix?)
  • Natural flavoring (the flavors are essence oils extracted from the fruits... no artificial sweeteners here!)
So many great reasons to give this drink a try.  I will tell you this, I have a few favorite flavors, one I do not like much, and several others that I have not yet tried.  Here is my scoop:
  • Can't resist: lemon, pamplemousse, orange
  • Buy every so often: lime
  • Not going to buy again: Cran-raspberry
  • Haven't tried yet: peach-pear, coconut, pure, berry
Check La Croix out here:  You can find these at most grocery stores.  Surprisingly, these are cheaper for me at Central Market than at Target, but you can find them at both places.  I have seen them at Kroger and Tom Thumb as well, but I didn't find as good of a flavor selection the last time I went.

Want to make your drink even more fun?  Try out this recipe I found on their website.  It's the La Croix skinny mojito:
  • 6 oz La Croix lime
  • 2 sprigs fresh mint
  • 3 wedges fresh lime
  • 4-6 pkts Organic Zero Sweetener (Whole Foods)
Squeeze fresh limes over mint leaves. Muddle mint, lime juice, and sweetener.  Add ice. Top with La Croix lime. Garnish with mint leaves and fresh lime. Recipe source:

Drink well,