Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Don't forget the leftovers

Who doesn't love Thanksgiving?  It is a time of being thankful for those around you and for the food on your table.  And if you are anything like my family, there will be plenty on that table.

Save the leftovers!  Some of the best meals can be made out of your leftovers.  A few of my favorites are:

  • Turkey and cranberry sandwich: If you have rolls left over, use that as the bread.  Or if you have your favorite bread handy, use that.  Use a little cranberry sauce as your condiment and load up some turkey in there.  Sometimes I will use mustard too (because I love the heck out of the stuff) and lettuce.  I have also tried this with a little bit of cream cheese (a little bit goes a LOOOONG way so keep that in mind).  Yum!  
  • Turkey casserole:  This is one of my mom's favorites.  She makes a casserole with the leftover dressing and turkey.  Super easy, as all you have to do is mix the two in a casserole dish and bake it!  She will sometimes add potatoes and gravy if needed or cream of mushroom soup.
  • Turkey soup or stew: You can really put anything in your soup or stew.. that's what I love about them.  Use your favorite vegetables, add the turkey and chicken broth, and make your soup or stew with love.  Need a little more help?  Check out this recipe from AllRecipes.  Looks delish!
  • Turkey bulgur salad: I love the way turkey and bulgur taste together with a little twist of fruit.  I usually make this salad with a little pineapple, but since it is Thanksgiving and cranberries are so IN right now I found this recipe that looks tasty from Taste of Home:
Have a favorite Thanksgiving leftover recipe?  Please share!  

And before you enjoy your meal, think of everything you are thankful for.  I am thankful for all of the important relationships in my life... family, old friends, new friends, and of course my furry loves too.  They bring a smile to my face daily!

Eat well,

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