Wednesday, November 20, 2013

An apple a day

An apple a day keeps the doctor away!  And pleases the taste buds!

My all-time favorite food is an apple.  I am in awe that I have not written about these gorgeous things yet.  Sure, I have written about apple chips and apple cider vinegar, but not apples.  What was I thinking?

So anyway, let's start with an important question.  Why do I like apples?  Well, for one, what other type of food has hundreds of varieties?  I could try a different apple every week if I wanted to.  Second, they are easy to grab and go.  I pack one in every single lunch I take to work (not always the same variety mind you- I keep it fresh & fun like the fresh prince of Belair).  Third, they are delicious.  This should really be the #1 reason because taste really is important when it comes to food to anyone with a tongue.  Fourth, they are nutritious.  These babies are high in fiber and vitamins.

Curious what variety to try?  Here are a few to start with...
  1. Golden Delicious:  These never get old and have a pleasant taste.  They are not as tart as Granny smith apples, but sweeter than their red counterpart (the Red Delicious).  Great versatile apple!
  2. Honeycrisp: These can be on the pricey side, but everyone I talk to say this is their all-time favorite apple.  Honeycrisp apples are out of this world delicious!
  3. Gala:  Easy to find at any grocery store and has a good flavor for an on-the-go treat.  They are usually one of the least expensive apple varieties.
Another one of my favorites right now is the Macintosh.  It is very shiny and beautiful in color.  It
The Macintosh apple
is sweeter than my usual Golden Delicious, but offers a good break from the norm.

So tell me... what is your FAVORITE apple variety?  And if you say you don't know, jump on the apple wagon and try at least 1 or 2 new varieties this week.  Apples are in season so eat up!

Eat well,

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