Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Cookies by George 350

I love a good local business and I love a good cookie or two (or three, but who is counting?).  Put those two together and you get George 350.  

I had a get together at my house this past weekend and needed a treat to serve.  I am not much of a baker.  Perhaps I will get my bake on more in the future, but for now I will let the pro's do the baking.  Anyway, I sent in my order to George 350 and these were perfect to serve.  Portion control is easy with the smaller sizes.  The taste is out of this world.  The variety of flavors can reach all different taste buds.  And the owner is super cool!

A bag of cookies comes with about 10 cookies inside.  They are $7 a bag and worth every penny.  The flavors I had at the party were: 
Tasty treats!

  • I heart chocolate & toffee (my favorite!)
  • Coconut, sunflower seeds, & oats.. oh my 
  • snickerdoodle dee-lish
  • Peanut butter
  • I heart Santa (sugar cookies with a Christmas candy corn in the center- so cute!)
The owner, Tony, is also open to suggestions and special requests.  With the holidays coming up, these can make tasty treats to pass out to co-workers, friends, and family members.  Make a basket of goodies and include a bag!

To learn more about George 350, be sure to "like" the facebook page

Eat well,

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