Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Super Easy Stir Fry!

Easiest stir fry ever!!

If you are like me, you are a busy bee.  I do not like to take too much time in the kitchen unless it's part of my "me" time like on the weekends.  Weekends are for longer cooking extravaganzas.  Weekdays?  Absolutely not.  I have a gazillion other things to do.  And so do you, I'm sure.

So, one day last week I needed a quick and easy dinner before walking out the door to meet with my lovely mother.  I am so lucky that we live close now!  I get to see her at least once a week and I looooooove that.  Okay, anyway.  Ready for my super easy stir fry??

I don't do recipes when I am randomly cooking something for myself so here is the best recipe explanation I can come up with.  

  • Chicken breast, cut up into chunks (what a funny word to say)
  • Snow peas (or any other vegetable you want I suppose)
  • Soy sauce (if you frown at soy sauce, Bragg's is another good option.  See pic below)
  • Creole seasoning (what ISN'T this stuff good on?!?)

Cook your chicken up first (I usually use a little bit of olive oil when cooking chicken).  Season it with the creole seasoning if you like it.  If you don't, find something else or throw in a little soy sauce to start.  Once the chicken is cooked (i.e. no pink in the middle), throw in the snow peas and a few drizzles of soy sauce (no need to overdo it).  Saute for a bit.  Then, cover and lower the heat.  Let the snow peas soak up the sauce to get nice and soft.  After about 10 minutes I'd say, you are done.  Easy, breezy, beautiful.. cover girl.  Or stir fry.

Got an easy recipe for me?  Please share!!

Eat well, 


  1. That was the super easy stir fry that I've try to cook. Thanks for posting the recipe here and I have now a new recipe that I will cook on our everyday life. I have also a stir fried chicken here and I think this is also an easy recipe.

  2. Awesome, Louie! Thanks for sharing.
