Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Challenge Scoop: Max Phase Begins

My blog posts about the 24 day challenge journey with Advocare continue...
Bring on the Max Phase!

Max Phase Begins 
Today starts day 1 of the Max phase.  It consists of supplements and Spark 30 minutes before breakfast and then a meal replacement shake for breakfast.  I got the chocolate  flavor for the shake.  I am not the biggest fan of meal protein shakes in general so chocolate is the safest bet for me.

Here are a few tips to making protein shakes a little tastier:
Fits in the shake cup!
  • Blend.  Use the blender and put ice in it every time.. it makes it more of a milk shake consistency.
  • Add a little flavor.  Add some cinnamon, vanilla, or even a little fat free milk.  If you still need more, add some frozen fruit or a banana.
  • Don't add too much extra.  If you add too much water, ice, milk, etc. the shake will be much larger than you want it to be and will take you forever to drink it.  I like mine to fit easily into a shake cup.  Picture to the right.
Vacation Challenge
I went on vacation for days 2-5 of this max phase.  I don't know about you, but when I am on vacation my regular schedule goes out the window.  While some people feel this is bad, I take this as a good thing.  It's good to change things up every so often and it's never a bad thing for the mind to take vacations. 

I had a blast with my best friends and their kids.  I didn't drink the shake every day (no blender and I am not one to drink it without crushed ice) and I didn't follow my typical workout schedule.  I did, however, make sure to take all my supplements.  I didn't eat clean every day.  Who does on vaca?  I did eat intuitively and savor every bite, even when I tried "the best donuts in Hopkinsville."  It's all about balance- even when you are on a challenge or on vacation.  Life is not perfect so nutrition does not have to be either.

Eat well,

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