Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Challenge Scoop: The End!

This is my last blog post about the 24 day challenge journey with Advocare... these are only my opinions!

My Challenge Scoop:

  • I found a new drink that provides lots of energy for morning runs (Spark)
  • I found a new Omega 3 supplement that I really like (Omegaplex)
  • It was a new experience and this challenge also motivated me get my 10K training program up and running so it came at the perfect time
  • The chocolate protein shake was not my favorite. I tried to like it, but only ended up drinking it 3 times.  I prefer shakeology if I am going to drink a shake.
  • The fiber drink I mentioned before was hard to get down
  • The supplements made me feel loopy and like I could pass out after 15 minutes of taking them (Max phase)
Recommendations if you do the challenge:
  • I think Spark is best to drink on an empty stomach and first thing in the morning (some of my friends mentioned it making them feel weird if they drank it in the afternoon or after a meal).
  • Like I mentioned above with the Max phase supplements, they made me feel like I could pass out so my recommendation is to make sure you eat a good breakfast, lunch, and snacks if you need them.
  • If you are not already a healthy eater, use this challenge to incorporate more fruits and vegetables too (or to change a specific habit that has been a barrier to your health).
And just in case you were wondering, I did not lose weight on this challenge.  But, it wasn't my goal to lose weight.  I am not sure of my measurements yet, but I was healthy before and I am healthy after so that is all that matters to me.

Hope you enjoyed the challenge posts and if you have specific questions for me, shoot me an email at

Eat well,

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