Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Bear Naked Morning Power Pack

Mix into plain yogurt or plain Greek yogurt!
Lately, it takes all that I have to get to work on time.  And I am still late!  But, this week I am determined to make it on time and here is my trick: a grab and go breakfast.  

I love long mornings and that is part of my problem.  I love to slowly wake up, cook up a healthy and wholesome breakfast, take time to get ready, and perhaps catch a little news or some tunes.  However, most of us do not have the luxury to do this daily.  We need something quick, easy, and that will get us out the door in no time.

I found Bear Naked Morning Power Packs this weekend at Target and gave them a try Sunday and Monday morning with a little plain Greek yogurt.  Yum!  So easy, delicious, and kept me satisfied for hours! 

These are 200 calories a pop so are to be a main part of the meal.  They also have 10g of fat, but most of the fat comes from nuts and oil so not too shabby.  These packs have 5g of protein so pairing with yogurt or Greek yogurt will pump up the protein a bit more (keeping you fuller longer).  The ingredients are all ones I can pronounce.  They have more ingredients than what I typically like, but when I am in a rush convenience wins!

Let's see if I can get to work on time this week.  Got another quick and easy breakfast idea?  Feel free to share!

Eat well,

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