Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Chili Bowl

Sourdough bread goes GREAT with chili!
I just had the BEST tasting chili EVERRRRRR!!!!!!

That is a strong statement, but it is true.  Or at least partially true.  My mom's chili is pretty off the charts too.  And her 3 bean chili.  Wow is that good!  But, my boyfriend doesn't like that one too much when I make it.  Guess it's the "no meat" part or the fact that I am surprisingly spice-shy.  I need to douse that shit!  And that I will from now on... friends, don't be afraid to use spices.

Anyway, all this talk is about chili.  Does it make you want a bowl?  Heck, I know what I am having for lunch.  I am not a leftover fan, but I can do leftover chili.  Absolutely!  

The weather is starting to turn (or has turned for some of you folk), which is the best time for chili and other soups.  There are plenty of recipes out there.  And for the quick and easy cook, there are plenty of mixes out there.  I will share you my favorite of both.  And then, of course, if you are a doll... do share yours too!

My favorite recipe.  It is the 3 bean chili recipe I mentioned above.  Perfect for my vegan or vegetarian friends!

3 Bean Chili

  • 1 can black beans
  • 1 can garbanzo beans (chickpeas)
  • 1 can kidney beans
  • 1 cup lentils, rinsed & drained
  • 15 oz can tomato sauce
  • 1 envelope chili seasoning mix
  • 15 oz can diced tomatoes & green chilis
  • 4 cups water
Mix all ingredients in a crock-pot and cook on low for 8-10 hours.  Like I said above, don't be afraid to add in your own spices and seasonings!!  I sometimes add sliced jalapenos for a little kick.

My favorite mix.  For any soups really, I LOVE All of Us Old Plantation Soups.  The mix I got for this batch of chili is River Road chili mix.  All you have to add to is is beef and a can of tomatoes & tomato sauce.  When I do beef, I buy grass-fed.  I believe that if the meat is treated right, it does a body good. I don't trust all that processed feed and hormones that other cows get.  But that's my soap box for you and is just my preference!  
Buy grass fed when you can!

I buy this mix at Canton.  But, you can also buy it online.  I have tried at least 4 of their soups and not one was a disappointment. 

Okay, your turn.  Favorite chili recipe or chili mix?

Eat well,

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