Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Roasted Kettle Kernels

Love that crunch!
I am all about the crunch.  I am sure you have your texture of choice too.  I am the person who always toasts bread and the one you can hear snacking from a mile away due to the snack's crunchy loudness.

I get NatureBox once per month to try out some new snacks.  I have a favorite lately.  Ever heard of Roasted Kettle Kernels?  Almost like Corn Nuts, but better ingredients.  I used to love Corn Nuts as a kid so was thrilled to welcome these back into my life again with some non genetically modified (GMO) ingredients.  Don't worry, I am not going to throw any jargon at you about GMO vs non-GMO (great idea for a future blog post on my sister blog Simple Delights though).

Since I get these through NatureBox, I am not 100% sure if you can find them in a grocery store. My guess would be that you could find them at a Whole Foods or Central Market (or any other specialty store of the like).

The ingredients are below.  Sugar is the 2nd ingredient so you do not want to overdo these or eat them ALL the time, but I love the heck out of the crunch.  When I need a new snack, these provide a tasty update to my snack repertoire.

If you like crunch, give them a try.  Have a favorite crunchy snack?  Please share!

Eat well,


  1. I'm sure they are endorsed by every Dentist that owns a boat or has kids in college :-)

  2. You got that right! Same goes for chewing ice. ;)
