Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Cinnamon Apple Chips

Best snack ever!
The other day I ventured into Central Market.  That place is like Tiffany's... I find a new gem every time I walk in! This time, I grab my favorite peanut butter (Central Market's brand of crunchy) and see some new items to the left.  They are bags of baked apple chips.  I am an apple lover so these intrigued me.  Bought a bag of the Crunchy Cinnamon Apple.  It was love at first bite!

Whether you are an apple lover or not, you have got to try these!  Seriously, I will be buying these more regularly from now on.  And get this? The only two ingredients are apples and cinnamon.  Hell yes!  Tasty?  Absolutely... beats any chip I have ever tried out of the water!

These are small bags and have two servings each.  I got mine for $2 so $1 per serving.  I think this is a good price, especially when it can replace another not-so-healthy snack.  These snacks are organic too.  Apples have one of the highest pesticide count and are part of the "dirty dozen" so going organic with apples is always a good idea.  

Keep in mind that I am talking about the barefruit brand.  I saw a different brand at Kroger that added sugar.  These are sweet enough on their own and do not need sugar!

All you moms out there- even your kids will like these.  Perfect fit for a brown bag lunch!

Eat well,

Find more info here:

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