Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Halloween treats

Trick or treat- give me something good to eat!
Before you go reaching into that candy jar and have a free-for-all, hear me out.  Halloween treats are just that- treats.  But, since it isn't everyday that you have a bowl of candy in front of you for a whole night, why not have a few?  Key word being "few".  Here are a few tips to enjoy your Halloween treat and not feel like a brick wall after all the little goblins, zombies, and witches have gone to bed.

  1. Pick your favorites.  Is Snickers your all time favorite candy?  Can't live without Twix or Kit Kat bars?  Choose wisely and forget the mediocre stuff.  If you could care less about Tootsie Rolls or Starbursts, leave them for the trick or treaters.
  2. Limit yourself.  Pick your number.  Are you going to eat 5 small pieces of candy?  2 bigger pieces?  Have your number ahead of time and stick to it.  Stick with the single digits or you may be praying to the porcelain god later if you aren't careful.
  3. Pace yourself.  If your magic number is 5, spread those 5 pieces out.  If you have them all before you carry that bowl to the door, you may fall into temptation later.  Think about it: you will be dangling that carrot stick at least 100 times in one night.
  4. Focus on the fun.  Halloween is exciting!  Whether you are out at a party, on the streets smashing pumpkins, or at home passing out candy- focus on the fun.  When you are having fun, you are not worrying about what to eat and what not to eat.  That is how life should be.  Enjoy every moment!  Have a scary movie on, light some candles, or play some spooky music (Thriller tops my list).
  5. Be good to yourself.  If you do overindulge, know that you can get back on track tomorrow.  It takes 3,500 calories to gain 1 lb. of fat.  You know what that means?  Your extra calories from the candy jar are not going to kill you.  Heck, they probably aren't even going to make you gain weight overnight.  Go ahead, sigh of relief.  I got ya.  Eat a little extra veggies the next day.
What is your favorite Halloween treat?  Mine would have to be Twix.  And my magic number is 3.

Eat well,

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Veggies on a Stick

Colorful AND Tasty- can't beat that!
Veggies on a stick
Don't make me sick
Or make my heart go 2-4-6
They really are tasty
And look so clean 
I bet you could find one in a magazine
Wanna have fun
Here comes Suzie with an extra long one
She can grill it, eat it, & get that veggie fix
But I bet you $50 that she can't do this...
Close her eyes and count to ten 
If she messes up, she's a big fat hen!

Were you singing along to that slightly altered elementary school rhyme?  I sure hope so!  That's the kind of joy that veggies on a stick bring in the food world.  The colors can brighten up any mood and/or food dish!  

And what's even better than that? They are super easy!  For these, we cut up zucchini, squash, and 3 different colored bell peppers.  Can't forget the baby tomatoes either- those are my favorite!

I have to credit Matt for the seasonings- he drizzled olive oil over the skewers and sprinkled them with garlic herb seasoning and creole seasoning.  You can choose whichever seasoning you like or keep them plain.  They don't take too long on the grill either, but if you are grilling any meat I would recommend putting the veggies on first.  They do take longer than the meat.  We kept them on about 20 minutes and the veggies were soft (my ideal).  

What veggies would you put on your skewer?

Eat well,

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Chili Bowl

Sourdough bread goes GREAT with chili!
I just had the BEST tasting chili EVERRRRRR!!!!!!

That is a strong statement, but it is true.  Or at least partially true.  My mom's chili is pretty off the charts too.  And her 3 bean chili.  Wow is that good!  But, my boyfriend doesn't like that one too much when I make it.  Guess it's the "no meat" part or the fact that I am surprisingly spice-shy.  I need to douse that shit!  And that I will from now on... friends, don't be afraid to use spices.

Anyway, all this talk is about chili.  Does it make you want a bowl?  Heck, I know what I am having for lunch.  I am not a leftover fan, but I can do leftover chili.  Absolutely!  

The weather is starting to turn (or has turned for some of you folk), which is the best time for chili and other soups.  There are plenty of recipes out there.  And for the quick and easy cook, there are plenty of mixes out there.  I will share you my favorite of both.  And then, of course, if you are a doll... do share yours too!

My favorite recipe.  It is the 3 bean chili recipe I mentioned above.  Perfect for my vegan or vegetarian friends!

3 Bean Chili

  • 1 can black beans
  • 1 can garbanzo beans (chickpeas)
  • 1 can kidney beans
  • 1 cup lentils, rinsed & drained
  • 15 oz can tomato sauce
  • 1 envelope chili seasoning mix
  • 15 oz can diced tomatoes & green chilis
  • 4 cups water
Mix all ingredients in a crock-pot and cook on low for 8-10 hours.  Like I said above, don't be afraid to add in your own spices and seasonings!!  I sometimes add sliced jalapenos for a little kick.

My favorite mix.  For any soups really, I LOVE All of Us Old Plantation Soups.  The mix I got for this batch of chili is River Road chili mix.  All you have to add to is is beef and a can of tomatoes & tomato sauce.  When I do beef, I buy grass-fed.  I believe that if the meat is treated right, it does a body good. I don't trust all that processed feed and hormones that other cows get.  But that's my soap box for you and is just my preference!  
Buy grass fed when you can!

I buy this mix at Canton.  But, you can also buy it online.  I have tried at least 4 of their soups and not one was a disappointment. 

Okay, your turn.  Favorite chili recipe or chili mix?

Eat well,

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Bear Naked Morning Power Pack

Mix into plain yogurt or plain Greek yogurt!
Lately, it takes all that I have to get to work on time.  And I am still late!  But, this week I am determined to make it on time and here is my trick: a grab and go breakfast.  

I love long mornings and that is part of my problem.  I love to slowly wake up, cook up a healthy and wholesome breakfast, take time to get ready, and perhaps catch a little news or some tunes.  However, most of us do not have the luxury to do this daily.  We need something quick, easy, and that will get us out the door in no time.

I found Bear Naked Morning Power Packs this weekend at Target and gave them a try Sunday and Monday morning with a little plain Greek yogurt.  Yum!  So easy, delicious, and kept me satisfied for hours! 

These are 200 calories a pop so are to be a main part of the meal.  They also have 10g of fat, but most of the fat comes from nuts and oil so not too shabby.  These packs have 5g of protein so pairing with yogurt or Greek yogurt will pump up the protein a bit more (keeping you fuller longer).  The ingredients are all ones I can pronounce.  They have more ingredients than what I typically like, but when I am in a rush convenience wins!

Let's see if I can get to work on time this week.  Got another quick and easy breakfast idea?  Feel free to share!

Eat well,

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar & Honey
Have you tried apple cider vinegar yet?  Hopefully not by itself.  It is NOT tasty on its own (in my opinion).  However, it has some GREAT health benefits and I have a recipe to make it a little more appealing to your taste buds.

I saw this recipe on a website and it had come from Dr. Oz.  I know not everyone out there likes Dr. Oz, but I for one reallllllly like him.  His books with Dr. Roizen are fabulous, easy to read, and offer humor on serious subjects.  I like that.  Anyway, so this is from Dr. Oz and it is super yummy if you like grapefruit at all:

Mix 8 oz. grapefruit juice with 2 tsp apple cider vinegar and 1 tsp of honey. 

I drink it before breakfast several times per week to get that apple cider vinegar in!

Some of the touted health benefits of apple cider vinegar include:
  • Helps tame tummy troubles and prevents indigestion
  • Helps maintain healthy skin
  • Relieves muscle pain from exercise
  • Helps control weight
  • Promotes digestion and ph balance
  • Helps soothe dry throats
  • Helps remove toxins
  • Supports a healthy immune system
The above is my favorite apple cider vinegar recipe, but I have seen people drink it as a shot or put into a salad dressing.  What's your favorite way to get in some apple cider vinegar?

Eat well,