Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Super Easy Stir Fry!

Easiest stir fry ever!!

If you are like me, you are a busy bee.  I do not like to take too much time in the kitchen unless it's part of my "me" time like on the weekends.  Weekends are for longer cooking extravaganzas.  Weekdays?  Absolutely not.  I have a gazillion other things to do.  And so do you, I'm sure.

So, one day last week I needed a quick and easy dinner before walking out the door to meet with my lovely mother.  I am so lucky that we live close now!  I get to see her at least once a week and I looooooove that.  Okay, anyway.  Ready for my super easy stir fry??

I don't do recipes when I am randomly cooking something for myself so here is the best recipe explanation I can come up with.  

  • Chicken breast, cut up into chunks (what a funny word to say)
  • Snow peas (or any other vegetable you want I suppose)
  • Soy sauce (if you frown at soy sauce, Bragg's is another good option.  See pic below)
  • Creole seasoning (what ISN'T this stuff good on?!?)

Cook your chicken up first (I usually use a little bit of olive oil when cooking chicken).  Season it with the creole seasoning if you like it.  If you don't, find something else or throw in a little soy sauce to start.  Once the chicken is cooked (i.e. no pink in the middle), throw in the snow peas and a few drizzles of soy sauce (no need to overdo it).  Saute for a bit.  Then, cover and lower the heat.  Let the snow peas soak up the sauce to get nice and soft.  After about 10 minutes I'd say, you are done.  Easy, breezy, beautiful.. cover girl.  Or stir fry.

Got an easy recipe for me?  Please share!!

Eat well, 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Challenge Scoop: The End!

This is my last blog post about the 24 day challenge journey with Advocare... these are only my opinions!

My Challenge Scoop:

  • I found a new drink that provides lots of energy for morning runs (Spark)
  • I found a new Omega 3 supplement that I really like (Omegaplex)
  • It was a new experience and this challenge also motivated me get my 10K training program up and running so it came at the perfect time
  • The chocolate protein shake was not my favorite. I tried to like it, but only ended up drinking it 3 times.  I prefer shakeology if I am going to drink a shake.
  • The fiber drink I mentioned before was hard to get down
  • The supplements made me feel loopy and like I could pass out after 15 minutes of taking them (Max phase)
Recommendations if you do the challenge:
  • I think Spark is best to drink on an empty stomach and first thing in the morning (some of my friends mentioned it making them feel weird if they drank it in the afternoon or after a meal).
  • Like I mentioned above with the Max phase supplements, they made me feel like I could pass out so my recommendation is to make sure you eat a good breakfast, lunch, and snacks if you need them.
  • If you are not already a healthy eater, use this challenge to incorporate more fruits and vegetables too (or to change a specific habit that has been a barrier to your health).
And just in case you were wondering, I did not lose weight on this challenge.  But, it wasn't my goal to lose weight.  I am not sure of my measurements yet, but I was healthy before and I am healthy after so that is all that matters to me.

Hope you enjoyed the challenge posts and if you have specific questions for me, shoot me an email at

Eat well,

Red Cherry

Red Cherry

Red cherry, dark cherry,
You're too good for me.
So tasty, so merry,
And keeping me healthy.

Frozen one, fresh one,
It doesn't matter really.
Big one, little one, 
I'll eat you up fo-really.

Super fruit, cherry juice,
Reduces muscle soreness.
Take root, no excuse,
Eat five more no less.

Red cherry, dark cherry,
I'm never too good for you.
So tasty, so merry,
A healthy bowl for me soon!
It had been awhile since I laid down a rhyme for the blog so couldn't resist.  
As you can tell from the rhyme, cherries are excellent for you, especially if you exercise.  Cherries reduce inflammation in the body and reduce muscle soreness.  Cherries also have antioxidants.  Grab a bowl of frozen cherries, drink a shot of tart cherry juice, add dried cherries to a salad or cereal, or wash and eat some fresh cherries.  Go ahead, do it now.  
After all, life is like a bowl of cherries...
Eat well, 

P.S. If you have been following me on the 24 day Challenge, it ends today.  I will write a final wrap-up post later this afternoon... consider it "2 for 1" Wednesday!! :)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Challenge Scoop: Max Phase Begins

My blog posts about the 24 day challenge journey with Advocare continue...
Bring on the Max Phase!

Max Phase Begins 
Today starts day 1 of the Max phase.  It consists of supplements and Spark 30 minutes before breakfast and then a meal replacement shake for breakfast.  I got the chocolate  flavor for the shake.  I am not the biggest fan of meal protein shakes in general so chocolate is the safest bet for me.

Here are a few tips to making protein shakes a little tastier:
Fits in the shake cup!
  • Blend.  Use the blender and put ice in it every time.. it makes it more of a milk shake consistency.
  • Add a little flavor.  Add some cinnamon, vanilla, or even a little fat free milk.  If you still need more, add some frozen fruit or a banana.
  • Don't add too much extra.  If you add too much water, ice, milk, etc. the shake will be much larger than you want it to be and will take you forever to drink it.  I like mine to fit easily into a shake cup.  Picture to the right.
Vacation Challenge
I went on vacation for days 2-5 of this max phase.  I don't know about you, but when I am on vacation my regular schedule goes out the window.  While some people feel this is bad, I take this as a good thing.  It's good to change things up every so often and it's never a bad thing for the mind to take vacations. 

I had a blast with my best friends and their kids.  I didn't drink the shake every day (no blender and I am not one to drink it without crushed ice) and I didn't follow my typical workout schedule.  I did, however, make sure to take all my supplements.  I didn't eat clean every day.  Who does on vaca?  I did eat intuitively and savor every bite, even when I tried "the best donuts in Hopkinsville."  It's all about balance- even when you are on a challenge or on vacation.  Life is not perfect so nutrition does not have to be either.

Eat well,

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Challenge Scoop: 10 Days In...

My blog posts about the 24 day challenge journey with Advocare continue... since the last one was super long, I am giving you the short and sweet. The good and the not so good.  Enjoy!

10 Days In...
5 Things I Love About This Challenge:

1.   I have more energy.  Not sure whether to credit the Spark alone for this or the cleanse in general, but I really feel like I have more energy and mental clarity.  Two great things for a busy body like me.

2.   I am getting regular Omega 3's.  I really don't eat much fish so need omega 3's through supplement form.  This challenge emphasizes omega 3's with the Omegaplex once per day so I feel good getting plenty through this challenge.

3.   My cravings have decreased.  I have had sugar one time- this past Sunday.  And it was mainly because ice cream sounded REALLY good after a long day outside.  I went from having sugar daily to once per week.  Crazy cool!

4.   I do not have to restrict or deprive myself of a certain food group.  I do not advocate restriction and that is what I love about this version of a cleanse.  I do eat healthy on a regular basis so have not had to change up my eating habits much.  However, I do think it could help someone get a kick-start on eating healthy too. 

5.   Spark.  I know I mentioned this before, but Spark is helping me get through morning runs.  I love it and will keep this habit up even after the challenge is over.  I recently tried Watermelon too- yum!

3 Things I Don't Care For About This Challenge:

1.   All the extra vitamins create bright yellow urine.  Too much information?  Possibly.  But you know it has happened to you too.  It's the water soluble vitamins.  Nothing harmful about this necessarily, but having urine the color of a highlighter is weird.

2.   The fiber drink.  Matt thinks my fiber drink looks like a termite's nest.  I have to say that tomorrow is my official last day with the fiber drink and I am happy about that.  It's not the worst thing I have ever tried, but it isn't my favorite either.

3.    Monster pills.  The cleanse pills are huge.  I am already done taking them, but they were huge. 

Other things to note:

I am done with the "Cleanse" phase today.  Stay tuned about this next phase!  I will be going on a trip this weekend so may have some obstacles, but will keep it up. 

My workouts during this challenge consist of running (following my 10K training plan) 3 days per week and cross training another 2-3 days.  I try to incorporate 2 Pure Barre classes if I can as part of the cross training.  If I can't make it to a class, I "take" a class at home.

My sleep has been whack the past few days (and possibly a week or so).  I am going to experiment and see if the challenge has something to do with this or if it is something else.  Will let you know what I come up with!

Eat well,