Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Snap, Crackle, Spit!

To kick off this post, I want to get you thinking about a few favorites.  Maestro, cue "My favorite things" from the Sound of Music soundtrack now please. 

So here it goes... what is your favorite snack to eat at the ballpark?  What is your favorite road trip snack?  What is your favorite snack that involves spitting?  Hey, don't say gross!  Even ladies do it.

My guess is you may have said sunflower seeds for at least one of the above.  And if you didn't, boy are you missing out. 

Sunflower seeds at la casa de Patasoona (Peterson in my own language) used to come in bags by the dozen.  My dad and two brothers were the biggest fans, but of course even my friends knew where they could find those seeds.  And talk about road trips- we never left home without them.  Even to this day, I can often find a bag of seeds in Nick's car and Brady's truck.

Why are sunflower seeds so great for road trips?  First, they are budget-friendly and one bag lasts forever.  Second, they are nutritious- think protein, fiber, zinc, folate, vitamin B6, vitamin E, & phosphorus to name more than a few.  Third, they fill you up and the act of cracking the shell keeps you busy so you are less likely to pig out on the high-fat, high-carb packaged foods that say "eat me" to you when you walk down those aisles at the gas station.

For you spit-phobic peeps, have no shame.  You can often find roasted kernels at grocery stores.  These are great for topping your salad, sprinkling into your hot or cold cereal, layering into a parfait or trail mix, and even baking in with your breads or muffins.  Some health food stores even carry sunflower seed butter, which is an alternative for those of you with peanut allergies. 

Whether you are on a road trip, at a sporting event, enjoying an outdoor picnic, or singing by a campfire don't forget your bag of seeds when you need that little munch.

Eat well,

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