Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Just Add Lemon!

Add a lemon to your beverages & favorite recipes!
Ever tried warm lemon water first thing in the morning or a tall glass of iced water with lemon in the afternoon?  Ever tried lemon chicken or put lemon in any other favorite dish?  Sure, lemon looks pretty by adding a touch of color to your beverage or food dish & adds flavor, but it also has some health benefits.

We all know water is great for us and we should drink more of it.  Heck, our bodies are mostly made of water too.  But what if drinking a little warm water every morning with lemon juice squeezed from about half a lemon boosted your immune system, made you feel a little more energized, cleansed the body from toxins, and aided in daily digestion?  Would you try it?  I know I would.  You can't get more simpler than a lukewarm glass of water and half of a lemon.  I learn best from other people and what I have found is that people are liking the results they get from this little trick.  Some even say it helps their skin glow & clear up any impurities!

Lemon water not your thing? Add some slices to your favorite baked chicken recipe!  I bake chicken in chicken broth and plenty of sliced lemons below and on top of the chicken.  I then put whatever spices I am feeling for that day (thyme, oregano, & black pepper to name a few) & bake the chicken for about 40 minutes or until no longer pink.  Lemon really does add some good flavor!

Lemons are in the peak of their season in May, June, & August!  Lemons have vitamin C & are said to have antibacterial properties too.

So now when life gives you lemons... make lemon water!

Eat well,

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