Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Healthy Eatery Alert: Spiral Diner

Healthy Eatery Alert: Spiral Diner.

Spiral diner serves organic vegan food in the Oak Cliff area of Dallas.  They also have a location in Fort Worth. Even if you are non-organic or non-vegan, I guarantee that there is something on the menu you will like. My boyfriend, a meat loving & non-vegan eater, favors the "Ate" Layer Burrito, while I enjoy the Sweet Luv' Us Hummus Wrap or the Big Texas Salad.  All extremely nutritious and yummy!

What else do I dig about this place? The owner's story.  You can read her full story on the website, but I will preview you it here.  Amy McNutt became vegan after filming a short film and seeing firsthand how heartless some of the dairy & egg farming practices are.  The owner was determined to provide access to good vegan food.  And that she has!  Another cool fact about the place: it is named after a Tool song.   The power & influence of music transcends into food/restaurants even.  I love it!

While I am not vegan or vegetarian, I can certainly respect the people who are.  Especially whenever it is a person not following a trend or next best thing, but rather one who has true respect for animals and certain farming practices.  I think we can all agree that even reducing meat consumption can have a good impact on the environment and benefit our health.  So with that said, if you are not vegetarian or vegan I encourage you to consider having a meat free day of the week or a few meat-free meals throughout the week.  On days you need some extra motivation to eat meat-free, visit the Spiral Diner.

Oh and in case you didn't know, Earth Day was on Monday.  Happy Earth Day y'all!  

Spiral diner website:

Eat well,

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