Wednesday, April 10, 2013

My Banana

My banana!

Who is ready for a rhyme? I know I always am.  I LOVE rhymes!  So, in honor of how easy to grab, healthy to eat, & tasty to add these yellow babies are I have decided to spend this week paying homage to the wonderful, great, & ever so yellow.... BANANA! 

My Banana

Oh, Banana
I love you so
You sound like Brianna
& you're very yellow!

Oh, Banana
You're a tasty treat
I'll eat you under a cabana
Or while dancing in the street!

Oh, Banana
So easy to grab
I can take you to Havana
Or just pack you in a bag!

Oh, Banana
It's simply no lie
I'll wrap you in my bandanna
And never cease to thrive!

Okay, now go and grab that banana. Take a bite & savor the flavor!  It's healthy,  it's tasty, & it should definitely be a part of your weekly nutrition.  Enough said.

Eat well,

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