Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Go Greek!

And no, I don't mean you have to join a sorority or fraternity to "GO GREEK!"

I have heard from several people about how hard it is to "like" Greek yogurt.  For some, the issue is consistency and others it is taste.  

What if I told you that I have a secret to LOVING Greek yogurt?  Well, truth be told, it isn't really a secret as much as it is my own way of loving Greek yogurt.  And then, hopefully from there you can develop your own way!

Did you know I have a weird aversion to certain white foods?  Think mayo, sour cream, plain yogurt, etc.  It's the mixture of consistency & the plain white color that gets me!  After years of doing jump kicks at a dance camp next door to a mayonnaise factory, I wanted to gag at the sight or smell of mayonnaise, which then led to my aversion to all white, weird, mayo-like foods. Hey, we all have quirks, right?

Anyway, so what is my way of loving plain Greek yogurt?  Changing the color and adding wholesome ingredients!  It's that simple!
So tasty AND high in protein!

Here is my fave:
-1 container of Greek yogurt (plain)
-2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa (actually I don't really measure this.. I just stick 1-2 spoonfuls in there)
-sprinkle or 2 of sliced almonds

All you have to do is stir in the cocoa and sprinkle however many sliced almonds you want over the top.  I have also tried a sprinkle of granola or cereal in place of the almonds.  I bet dried fruit would be tasty as well, but sliced almonds are my favorite of the moment!

I prefer plain Greek yogurt to the flavored varieties simply because of the sugar content.  If you are one that does not care about sugar or if you want some Greek yogurt as a treat, the flavored varieties are definitely yours to try.  You can get almost any flavor now- from pomegranate to apple cinnamon. If I need something sweet, I love the Black Cherry flavor!

Does anyone else out there GO GREEK already?  If not, find your way to loving this stuff.  It is high in protein & will keep you full for a long time!  It's a great post-workout snack. Add in your own favorite toppings like vanilla, cinnamon, honey, cocoa, cereals, fruit, nuts, etc.  I read the other day about a way to make it a dessert with a sprinkle of dark chocolate chips & sliced bananas.  Many options so don't be afraid to try new things!

Eat well,

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