Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Beg for an Egg

Like eggs?  Good, because eggs are filled with powerful protein & are a great source of choline and lutein.  Choline is essential for brain health, while lutein is beneficial for the eyes.  Eat up!

My brothers and I made a Mother's Day dinner on Sunday for my mom.  When we tried to think of what to make, we immediately thought about breakfast for dinner.  Who doesn't get excited about breakfast for dinner?  I seriously think I could have breakfast food for any meal!  Anyway, we had a whole spread of make-your-own breakfast burritos with eggs and other additions.  

And guess what?  No need to stick to egg whites to earn a gold star for "being healthy".  That's old news. The entire egg has plenty of benefits.  In fact, lutein is in the yolk so sticking to just egg whites will prevent you from getting the eye benefit.  And calorie-wise, one egg is about 70 calories, which is not bad for the waistline.

Another reason I like eggs is because they are SUPER easy to make.  If you have a frying pan & some EVOO or cooking spray, you are set.

So.. what are you favorite egg dishes?  A few of mine are below. 

Top favorites
1. Good 'ol scrambled eggs & Applegate Farms breakfast sausage
2. Egg Sandwich on English muffin with Monterey Jack cheese (& ketchup.. yeah, it's weird but totally worth it)
3. Egg Scramble with red or yellow bell pepper & salsa
4. My older brother's omelet... he can make a kick @$$ one if I do say so myself
5. Deviled eggs... this recipe looks mighty tasty-

Eat well,

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