Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Summer Time Salads

With spring in full swing and summer just around the corner, let's officially call this swimsuit season.  Some of you have been working hard to feel and look good in that swimsuit (maybe a few extra pure barre classes?), while some would rather wear that cover up. It's all about confidence, ladies, and one way to stay confident in that swim suit is to eat light before you head out to the beach, pool, or lake.  
Nutty Nix Up Salad
(I hate food pics b/c the food never looks
as good as it really is)

One easy way to eat light, but not feel starving is to fill up on a summer time salad. One of my favorites is the Nutty Mix Up Salad from Jason's Deli (the smaller portion with dressing on the side).  This creation can easily be made at home though, too.  Here are a few keys to keep in mind for that light salad:

  1. Have a nutritious base.  Fill up that bowl with spinach or spring mix.  These greens are full of antioxidants & vitamins.
  2. Include plenty of protein.  To keep you full on your outdoor adventure, choose a protein source like chicken, shrimp, salmon, or boiled eggs to top your salad with.
  3. Go nuts!  I personally like walnuts or slivered almonds, but add whatever nut you want.  Most nuts are full of healthy fats and some even have omega-3's, which we all know are great for the heart.  Healthy fats also help slow down your digestion (leaving you fuller longer). 
  4. Color it up.  Add a colorful fruit to the mix like fresh blueberries, strawberries, or mandarin oranges.  Or if you prefer dried fruit, add raisins or cranberries.  Adding a carbohydrate from fruit will give you a little more energy & keep you from crashing later on.  Plus, can I say more vitamins?  Seriously, fruits & veggies provides so many vitamins & minerals that your body is probably rolling out the red carpet for them as we speak.
  5. Keep your dressing on the side.  It is so easy to over pour dressing, which of course adds calories.  Keep your dressing on the side  & either dip as you go or sprinkle dressing on as you need it.  A little goes a long way!
What is your favorite summer time salad?

Eat well,

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