Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Go coconuts!

Time for the beach & coconuts!
"Brother bought a coconut, he bought it for a dime. His sister had another one, she paid it for a lime.  She put the lime in the coconut, she drank them both up..." Are you singing yet?  Or picturing the movie Practical Magic?  Man, did I love that movie and man, do I love all things coconut these days. 

Why do I like coconut?  Well, it does remind me of my favorite month and time of the year (June & summer).  It also reminds me of one of my favorite places: the beach.  And lastly, coconut has nutritious benefits too!

According to the Coconut Research Center, nearly one third of the world's population depends on coconut to some degree for their food and economy.  Pacific Islanders even consider coconut oil to be the cure for all illness.  And even though coconut oil is high in saturated fat, it has been shown to help with weight loss due to the type of fat it contains- medium chain triglycerides (these guys are metabolized differently than the typical fats we see- long chain triglycerides).  

Coconut also adds flavor & taste to different recipes.  A friend of mine and Pure Barre devotee recently provided me with a yummy sample of homemade chocolate truffle energy bites made with shredded coconut.  If you love to bake, find the recipe here:  Shredded coconut is one of the options for rolling.  Oh and for you that are gluten free and/or vegan, this recipe is both!

For you smoothie makers, a tablespoon of coconut oil is a great tropical addition to any green smoothie recipe.  I recently read an article on sauteing vegetables with coconut oil as well.  Whatever you try, go coconuts!

Eat well,

And just since I mentioned it already: June is my favorite month.  I am committing to printing off a June calendar and writing down at least 1 fun & different thing that I do each day.  This little exercise will help me savor my favorite month and take joy in the little things.  Feel free to join me!

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