Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Some Like It Smooth!

Have you jumped on the smoothie train yet?  If not, hop on.  It's about time.  Choo choo!

Why are smoothies so great?  Well, for those of you who have a hard time getting fruits and vegetables into your body on a daily basis, it is a super fast and easy way!  And did I mention tasty?  Oh so tasty!
Ready to mix!!

One of my favorite smoothie recipes happens to have plenty of green good stuff in it that even Popeye would approve.  All you need is a blender, 1 cup green tea or coconut water, 2 c spinach leaves, 1 c of frozen strawberries or other favorite fruit, 1 tsp agave to sweeten, 1 TB coconut oil, & 1 TB chia seeds.  Mix it up and enjoy!  I like my smoothies super cold so if I use fruit that is not frozen I definitely put ice in mine.

Do you have a favorite smoothie recipe?  If so, please share!
Try the Green Machine.  Yum!

For a grab and go smoothie I can get at the grocery store, I like the brand Naked.  Be sure to stick with the serving size though, as the calories are 270 in one bottle (2 servings).  No big deal.. just account for them!  

Keep in mind that when a smoothie has the green good stuff in it, the smoothie WILL be green. Don't let this freak you out.  Give it a try and I promise you will like the stuff just as much as your body does.

Eat well,

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