Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Can I Get A Hail Merry?

Hail Merry is based in Dallas!
So picture this...  you are walking around a Central Market.  You know exactly what you want and you are heading straight for it without taking a look around, because let's face it- that place is like a game of bumper cars on Sunday afternoons.  You have to dart out of the way every now and then so the lady reaching for every free sample doesn't hit you.  Anyway, you are focused on the task at hand when all of a sudden you get handed a Hail Merry macaroon.  This is where the halos come in and the church-like symphony starts playing....

I had never tried a macaroon before and didn't know if I would really like it.  But then again,  if I were a girl scout cookie I would be a Samoa so perhaps I have a thing for coconut-flavored treats .  It was delicious!  And what is even better is that this company is local, raw, vegan, and gluten free.  Now, I will never tell you to jump on the next diet fad and go all gluten free (unless you have a sensitivity) or be like the next celebrity to go vegan (unless you have values/morals against eating animals).  But, the fact that this treat was tasty and some TLC went into the baking puts a huge smile on my nutritionist face.

My favorite?  The chocolate flavor.  Other flavors include strawberry almond, caramel sea salt,  and blonde.  It's portion-controlled  & the price was about $3.50 for 8 small macaroons.  Kinda pricey, but I love supporting local, healthy businesses AND when I pay a little more for something, I usually savor it more (yep, it must be a mind thing for this frugal chick).

Hail Merry makes a few other sweet treats too.  Check them out & replace your next cookie craving with a macaroon or miracle tart.  

Eat well,

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