Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Nutty Bites: Cashews

Disclaimer: Nutty Bites is where I talk about healthy food items with funny, "nutty" names.  I will throw them into the blog every once in awhile... got a "nutty" food item you want mentioned?  Email suggestions to me at

Of course I had to include a nut in the “Nutty Bites”... so we will start with cashews. 

Cashhhheeeeww!   If you say it slowly, it almost sounds like a sneeze.  I regret to admit that people often stay away from nuts.  This is not because they sound like sneezes or have funny names, but because they are high in fat.  BUT, I know that all of you know fat is not to be feared.  Am I right?!  The unsaturated fats are the fats to shake hands with, while the saturated and trans-fats are the ones to slap in the face.  

Want a random fact regarding cashews?  Of course you do.  Cashews are the kidney-shaped seeds that you find on the bottom of a cashew apple, the fruit from the cashew tree, which are often found in Brazil.  The nut tastes good, is full of heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids, blood pressure lowering magnesium, and antioxidant-rich copper.  Cashews are great as a snack so pair a handful with an apple to curb the afternoon munchies!  

Eat well,

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