Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Nutty Bites: Acai

Acai is good for the heart!
Okay, truth be told, I am having a hard time concentrating to write the blog post today.  Why?  3 reasons: 1) Matt is making up an "Adam-Sandler-like" song in the next room that keeps me laughing my butt of this chair, 2) I have had a long week at work so am not in the mood to sit in this chair, & last but definitely not least 3) I leave for California in less than 36 hours so am too excited to sit in this chair. 

But... back to it.  Today's "nutty bite" is Acai.  Why did I choose Acai?  Well, first of all, it is very complicated to say.  I hear all sorts of pronunciations on this one.  Here is the one I prefer and even though I confirmed it with Merriam-Webster, I am putting my own spin to the spelling of the pronunciation: aw-sigh-ee.  You dig?

Now to the good part... acai is a berry you can find in some juices or smoothies now.  It's a purple (hello favorite color!) fruit that comes from the acai palm tree, which is native to Central & South America.  The antioxidants in acai can help prevent diseases like heart disease and cancer.  The jury is still out on whether or not acai is a tool for weight loss, but come on... it IS a fruit.  And if you are eating more fruits & less cookies, heck you just might lose a few.  Here's a little secret I bet you didn't realize: since acai oil is high in antioxidant content, you may find it in beauty products as well.  Hello pretty skin!

Ready to try a little acai?  Ditch the pill, but try it in juice.  Or buy dried, frozen, or fresh acai berries & toss them into a salad or your morning oatmeal.

And off the chair I go to grab some juice with acai of my own.... 

Eat well,

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Nutty Bites: Cashews

Disclaimer: Nutty Bites is where I talk about healthy food items with funny, "nutty" names.  I will throw them into the blog every once in awhile... got a "nutty" food item you want mentioned?  Email suggestions to me at

Of course I had to include a nut in the “Nutty Bites”... so we will start with cashews. 

Cashhhheeeeww!   If you say it slowly, it almost sounds like a sneeze.  I regret to admit that people often stay away from nuts.  This is not because they sound like sneezes or have funny names, but because they are high in fat.  BUT, I know that all of you know fat is not to be feared.  Am I right?!  The unsaturated fats are the fats to shake hands with, while the saturated and trans-fats are the ones to slap in the face.  

Want a random fact regarding cashews?  Of course you do.  Cashews are the kidney-shaped seeds that you find on the bottom of a cashew apple, the fruit from the cashew tree, which are often found in Brazil.  The nut tastes good, is full of heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids, blood pressure lowering magnesium, and antioxidant-rich copper.  Cashews are great as a snack so pair a handful with an apple to curb the afternoon munchies!  

Eat well,

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Can I Get A Hail Merry?

Hail Merry is based in Dallas!
So picture this...  you are walking around a Central Market.  You know exactly what you want and you are heading straight for it without taking a look around, because let's face it- that place is like a game of bumper cars on Sunday afternoons.  You have to dart out of the way every now and then so the lady reaching for every free sample doesn't hit you.  Anyway, you are focused on the task at hand when all of a sudden you get handed a Hail Merry macaroon.  This is where the halos come in and the church-like symphony starts playing....

I had never tried a macaroon before and didn't know if I would really like it.  But then again,  if I were a girl scout cookie I would be a Samoa so perhaps I have a thing for coconut-flavored treats .  It was delicious!  And what is even better is that this company is local, raw, vegan, and gluten free.  Now, I will never tell you to jump on the next diet fad and go all gluten free (unless you have a sensitivity) or be like the next celebrity to go vegan (unless you have values/morals against eating animals).  But, the fact that this treat was tasty and some TLC went into the baking puts a huge smile on my nutritionist face.

My favorite?  The chocolate flavor.  Other flavors include strawberry almond, caramel sea salt,  and blonde.  It's portion-controlled  & the price was about $3.50 for 8 small macaroons.  Kinda pricey, but I love supporting local, healthy businesses AND when I pay a little more for something, I usually savor it more (yep, it must be a mind thing for this frugal chick).

Hail Merry makes a few other sweet treats too.  Check them out & replace your next cookie craving with a macaroon or miracle tart.  

Eat well,

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Some Like It Smooth!

Have you jumped on the smoothie train yet?  If not, hop on.  It's about time.  Choo choo!

Why are smoothies so great?  Well, for those of you who have a hard time getting fruits and vegetables into your body on a daily basis, it is a super fast and easy way!  And did I mention tasty?  Oh so tasty!
Ready to mix!!

One of my favorite smoothie recipes happens to have plenty of green good stuff in it that even Popeye would approve.  All you need is a blender, 1 cup green tea or coconut water, 2 c spinach leaves, 1 c of frozen strawberries or other favorite fruit, 1 tsp agave to sweeten, 1 TB coconut oil, & 1 TB chia seeds.  Mix it up and enjoy!  I like my smoothies super cold so if I use fruit that is not frozen I definitely put ice in mine.

Do you have a favorite smoothie recipe?  If so, please share!
Try the Green Machine.  Yum!

For a grab and go smoothie I can get at the grocery store, I like the brand Naked.  Be sure to stick with the serving size though, as the calories are 270 in one bottle (2 servings).  No big deal.. just account for them!  

Keep in mind that when a smoothie has the green good stuff in it, the smoothie WILL be green. Don't let this freak you out.  Give it a try and I promise you will like the stuff just as much as your body does.

Eat well,