Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Go coconuts!

Time for the beach & coconuts!
"Brother bought a coconut, he bought it for a dime. His sister had another one, she paid it for a lime.  She put the lime in the coconut, she drank them both up..." Are you singing yet?  Or picturing the movie Practical Magic?  Man, did I love that movie and man, do I love all things coconut these days. 

Why do I like coconut?  Well, it does remind me of my favorite month and time of the year (June & summer).  It also reminds me of one of my favorite places: the beach.  And lastly, coconut has nutritious benefits too!

According to the Coconut Research Center, nearly one third of the world's population depends on coconut to some degree for their food and economy.  Pacific Islanders even consider coconut oil to be the cure for all illness.  And even though coconut oil is high in saturated fat, it has been shown to help with weight loss due to the type of fat it contains- medium chain triglycerides (these guys are metabolized differently than the typical fats we see- long chain triglycerides).  

Coconut also adds flavor & taste to different recipes.  A friend of mine and Pure Barre devotee recently provided me with a yummy sample of homemade chocolate truffle energy bites made with shredded coconut.  If you love to bake, find the recipe here:  Shredded coconut is one of the options for rolling.  Oh and for you that are gluten free and/or vegan, this recipe is both!

For you smoothie makers, a tablespoon of coconut oil is a great tropical addition to any green smoothie recipe.  I recently read an article on sauteing vegetables with coconut oil as well.  Whatever you try, go coconuts!

Eat well,

And just since I mentioned it already: June is my favorite month.  I am committing to printing off a June calendar and writing down at least 1 fun & different thing that I do each day.  This little exercise will help me savor my favorite month and take joy in the little things.  Feel free to join me!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Summer Time Salads

With spring in full swing and summer just around the corner, let's officially call this swimsuit season.  Some of you have been working hard to feel and look good in that swimsuit (maybe a few extra pure barre classes?), while some would rather wear that cover up. It's all about confidence, ladies, and one way to stay confident in that swim suit is to eat light before you head out to the beach, pool, or lake.  
Nutty Nix Up Salad
(I hate food pics b/c the food never looks
as good as it really is)

One easy way to eat light, but not feel starving is to fill up on a summer time salad. One of my favorites is the Nutty Mix Up Salad from Jason's Deli (the smaller portion with dressing on the side).  This creation can easily be made at home though, too.  Here are a few keys to keep in mind for that light salad:

  1. Have a nutritious base.  Fill up that bowl with spinach or spring mix.  These greens are full of antioxidants & vitamins.
  2. Include plenty of protein.  To keep you full on your outdoor adventure, choose a protein source like chicken, shrimp, salmon, or boiled eggs to top your salad with.
  3. Go nuts!  I personally like walnuts or slivered almonds, but add whatever nut you want.  Most nuts are full of healthy fats and some even have omega-3's, which we all know are great for the heart.  Healthy fats also help slow down your digestion (leaving you fuller longer). 
  4. Color it up.  Add a colorful fruit to the mix like fresh blueberries, strawberries, or mandarin oranges.  Or if you prefer dried fruit, add raisins or cranberries.  Adding a carbohydrate from fruit will give you a little more energy & keep you from crashing later on.  Plus, can I say more vitamins?  Seriously, fruits & veggies provides so many vitamins & minerals that your body is probably rolling out the red carpet for them as we speak.
  5. Keep your dressing on the side.  It is so easy to over pour dressing, which of course adds calories.  Keep your dressing on the side  & either dip as you go or sprinkle dressing on as you need it.  A little goes a long way!
What is your favorite summer time salad?

Eat well,

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Beg for an Egg

Like eggs?  Good, because eggs are filled with powerful protein & are a great source of choline and lutein.  Choline is essential for brain health, while lutein is beneficial for the eyes.  Eat up!

My brothers and I made a Mother's Day dinner on Sunday for my mom.  When we tried to think of what to make, we immediately thought about breakfast for dinner.  Who doesn't get excited about breakfast for dinner?  I seriously think I could have breakfast food for any meal!  Anyway, we had a whole spread of make-your-own breakfast burritos with eggs and other additions.  

And guess what?  No need to stick to egg whites to earn a gold star for "being healthy".  That's old news. The entire egg has plenty of benefits.  In fact, lutein is in the yolk so sticking to just egg whites will prevent you from getting the eye benefit.  And calorie-wise, one egg is about 70 calories, which is not bad for the waistline.

Another reason I like eggs is because they are SUPER easy to make.  If you have a frying pan & some EVOO or cooking spray, you are set.

So.. what are you favorite egg dishes?  A few of mine are below. 

Top favorites
1. Good 'ol scrambled eggs & Applegate Farms breakfast sausage
2. Egg Sandwich on English muffin with Monterey Jack cheese (& ketchup.. yeah, it's weird but totally worth it)
3. Egg Scramble with red or yellow bell pepper & salsa
4. My older brother's omelet... he can make a kick @$$ one if I do say so myself
5. Deviled eggs... this recipe looks mighty tasty-

Eat well,

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

At a Festival?

Canton Food Court
With Festival season around the corner and my recent visit to Canton, this post is focused on “festival food.”  What the heck do you pick when you are at a festival, fair, or a place like Canton?  Many treats pack a day’s worth of calories in one serving!  Here are a few tips to get you through your fun day without feeling overly full or like you just gained 10 lbs in one sitting…
  1. Don’t buy the first treat you see.  Your eyes can fool you.  Many things look better than they taste.  When hunger strikes, really think about what you want and don't settle for something that just "looks" appetizing.  Find something you know you like and is worth the extra calories.
  2. Have a couple bites.  Is your treat of choice a really high calorie item like a funnel cake?  Have just a few bites.  Eating a whole funnel cake or something of the sorts all by yourself is sure to send you into a sugar coma.  Treat yourself to a few bites and ditch the rest or give it away!
  3. Share.  Have a favorite treat you can't resist?  Buy it, but share it.  Most festival treats are HUGE and since many of us belong to the "clean your plate" club, split the meal or treat with your buddy.  Or buy something that is already pre-portioned and not as big as your head.
  4. Drink, drink, drink. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water! Being outside and in the heat without drinking water regularly can leave you dehydrated.  Sometimes dehydration tricks your body into thinking its hungry when all you really need is an ice cold glass of water or unsweetened iced tea.  Stay hydrated!
  5. Roasted Corn? Yes, please!
  6. Pick the healthier treats.  I saved this for last because it's my favorite.  Although few, there are healthy, tasty options at these places.  Heck, if you go to a festival in a place like Austin, TX, you will be surprised by all of the healthier, tasty options. But even in a place close to Dallas, one can find a healthier dish.  My mom and I had red beans and rice at Canton over the weekend.  It was delicious and I did not feel overstuffed or sluggish after. Other good options?  Roasted corn on the cob, chicken kabobs, chicken or turkey sandwich, small popcorn, small soft serve ice cream, etc.  Think GRILLED for any main course and SMALL for any treat!
Eat well,

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Just Add Lemon!

Add a lemon to your beverages & favorite recipes!
Ever tried warm lemon water first thing in the morning or a tall glass of iced water with lemon in the afternoon?  Ever tried lemon chicken or put lemon in any other favorite dish?  Sure, lemon looks pretty by adding a touch of color to your beverage or food dish & adds flavor, but it also has some health benefits.

We all know water is great for us and we should drink more of it.  Heck, our bodies are mostly made of water too.  But what if drinking a little warm water every morning with lemon juice squeezed from about half a lemon boosted your immune system, made you feel a little more energized, cleansed the body from toxins, and aided in daily digestion?  Would you try it?  I know I would.  You can't get more simpler than a lukewarm glass of water and half of a lemon.  I learn best from other people and what I have found is that people are liking the results they get from this little trick.  Some even say it helps their skin glow & clear up any impurities!

Lemon water not your thing? Add some slices to your favorite baked chicken recipe!  I bake chicken in chicken broth and plenty of sliced lemons below and on top of the chicken.  I then put whatever spices I am feeling for that day (thyme, oregano, & black pepper to name a few) & bake the chicken for about 40 minutes or until no longer pink.  Lemon really does add some good flavor!

Lemons are in the peak of their season in May, June, & August!  Lemons have vitamin C & are said to have antibacterial properties too.

So now when life gives you lemons... make lemon water!

Eat well,