Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Nutty Bites: Yams!

Disclaimer: Nutty Bites is where I talk about healthy food items with funny, "nutty" names.  I will throw them into the blog every once in awhile... got a "nutty" food item you want mentioned?  Email suggestions to me at

Yam: fun to say & yummy to eat!

Yam-a-dama-ding-dong!  Definitely could be used in an Adam Sandler song.  Actually, it probably already has.  Adam, it doesn’t surprise me that you would sing about a yam, because it is absolutely wonderful for you.  Perhaps the yam is to you what Spinach is to Popeye.  

All kidding aside, let me start by saying that a yam is my absolute favorite vegetable!  It’s not the same as a sweet potato, but I would take either one.  Americans get these confused all the time, but I am not here to explain the difference.  I am just here to tell you sweet potato or yam, eat it.  Your body will thank you!  Did you know the word yam actually stems from the African word njam, which means to eat?  If a food name literally means to eat, don’t you think we would be better off eating it?  I do.  Yams are full of Vitamin C, Potassium, Manganese, Fiber, and Vitamin B6.  They are great for weight control, blood sugar control, and helping you fuel up before a good workout or recover after.  That’s definitely not all, but I could go on for hours as to why you should add this delicious food to your next meal.  

For a fast, easy way to bake it, wash the yam & wrap it in a brown paper bag.  Place it in the microwave and bake it for 2 to 2.5 minutes on one side and turn over for 2 to 2.5 minutes on the other side.  Take it out of the bag, split open the yam, and sprinkle with cinnamon.  Wait until it cools down a bit before taking that first bite.  A yam serving is about the size of your fist.  Enjoy!

Eat well,

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