Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Nutty Bites: Quinoa

Disclaimer: Nutty Bites is where I talk about healthy food items with funny, "nutty" names.  I will throw them into the blog every once in awhile... got a "nutty" food item you want mentioned?  Email suggestions to me at

A spoonful of uncooked quinoa!
This nutrient powerhouse is so fun to say!  It’s almost like a karate word to be spoken when your hand chops through a brick.  Instead of hi- yah, its keen-wah!  So I expect all of you to do a karate move every time you say that word from now on, especially whenever you are picking some out at the grocery store.  You may get stares, but at least you are having fun AND picking out a highly nutritious food!

Okay, back to its nutrient content.  What intrigues me about this grain is that it has been around for centuries.  It only feels like a new food invention because we have invited it back into our pantries & on just about any supermarket’s shelves.  Quinoa dates back to at least 3000 B.C. and was known as the “mother grain” to the Incas.  

According to the Ancient Harvest brand of Quinoa, which is a brand you can find at most grocery stores now, quinoa is technically not even a grain.  It’s a fruit of the Chenopodium family.  What’s so great about this grain or fruit or whatever you want to call it?  Compared to other grain-like products, fruits, and vegetables, it is high in protein, calcium, and iron.  Many recipes are available online since quinoa is blooming with popularity nowadays, but a simple way to try quinoa is to substitute it for rice.  Have a serving of black beans & quinoa with a couple sides and voila! You have a complete meal with the “mother grain”.

Eat well,

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Pour me!

This post is short and sweet, my friends.  Partially because I am not feeling well, but mostly because I know you are busy and like short & sweet posts from time to time.  Am I right? 

Anyway, so "pour me" because I feel like all I can stomach today is saltine crackers and because it is my clever way of introducing the topic of choice- salad dressings.  Ya know, the stuff you pour on your salads!

Most of you probably just grab and go, but I have always been stuck in a rut when looking for the right salad dressing.  It takes me for-ev-errrrrrr!  (Say it like Sandlot!)  It takes me longer to pick out salad dressing than it does to pick out my clothes in the morning.  Perhaps that's when you know you are a dietitian and not a fashion designer!

I tried a new one the other day and wow, did I find my salad dressing soul mate.  And... drum roll  please... it has my name.  Whoa! (Say it like Joey Lawrence in Blossom... and if you are too young to know, google it.)

Beautiful name, isn't it?! ;)
Anyway, what I like about this dressing is that it does not list sugar in the ingredients list and I can pronounce all of the ingredients in it.  Another one I like is Newman's Own Olive Oil & Vinegar, but of course this can be replicated on your own with...  yep, olive oil and vinegar.  What a concept!

There are plenty of recipes for healthy salad dressings too.  Anyone have a favorite??  Please share if so!!  Here is one I think looks yummy and I can't wait to try from Simple Bites:
No sugar in this bad boy!

Garlic Herb Vinaigrette

  • 1/2 cup raw apple cider vinegar
  • 1-2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
  • 3 garlic cloves, minced
  • Pinch of sea salt & black pepper
  • 2 tablespoons fresh herbs
  • 1 1/2 cups olive oil
Combine all the ingredients except for the olive oil & stir well.  Add olive oil, cover tightly, and shake well.  Best to put in a glass jar or bottle!

Eat well,

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Nutty Bites: Yams!

Disclaimer: Nutty Bites is where I talk about healthy food items with funny, "nutty" names.  I will throw them into the blog every once in awhile... got a "nutty" food item you want mentioned?  Email suggestions to me at

Yam: fun to say & yummy to eat!

Yam-a-dama-ding-dong!  Definitely could be used in an Adam Sandler song.  Actually, it probably already has.  Adam, it doesn’t surprise me that you would sing about a yam, because it is absolutely wonderful for you.  Perhaps the yam is to you what Spinach is to Popeye.  

All kidding aside, let me start by saying that a yam is my absolute favorite vegetable!  It’s not the same as a sweet potato, but I would take either one.  Americans get these confused all the time, but I am not here to explain the difference.  I am just here to tell you sweet potato or yam, eat it.  Your body will thank you!  Did you know the word yam actually stems from the African word njam, which means to eat?  If a food name literally means to eat, don’t you think we would be better off eating it?  I do.  Yams are full of Vitamin C, Potassium, Manganese, Fiber, and Vitamin B6.  They are great for weight control, blood sugar control, and helping you fuel up before a good workout or recover after.  That’s definitely not all, but I could go on for hours as to why you should add this delicious food to your next meal.  

For a fast, easy way to bake it, wash the yam & wrap it in a brown paper bag.  Place it in the microwave and bake it for 2 to 2.5 minutes on one side and turn over for 2 to 2.5 minutes on the other side.  Take it out of the bag, split open the yam, and sprinkle with cinnamon.  Wait until it cools down a bit before taking that first bite.  A yam serving is about the size of your fist.  Enjoy!

Eat well,

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Another PB? It's PB2 to be Exact!

PB2 is worth a try!
I love hearing about new products!  A friend of mine mentioned PB2 to me over the weekend and a light bulb went off in my head.  I knew this would be blog material... I mean, it even has the same initials as Pure Barre.  How cool is that?

Anyway, so what is PB2?

The Scoop: PB2 is a powder form of peanut butter.  The peanuts are roasted and then pressed to remove 85% of the fat and oil.  You mix 2 tablespoons of PB2 with 1 tablespoon of water & stir to get the regular peanut butter consistency.  A PB2 chocolate is also on the market  where wholesome cocoa powder is added to the mix!

The nutritional content is (per 2 tablespoons):

  • 45 calories
  • 1 gram fat
  • 6 grams carbohydrates
  • 1 gram fiber
  • 3 grams sugar
  • 4 grams protein
There are only 4 ingredients as well (peanuts, cocoa powder, sugar, & salt).

Bri's Take: I bought the PB2 chocolate to try first and this product did not disappoint.  The only cons I have are that it is a bit pricey and only available at specialty grocery stores like Central Market.  It costs a little under $5, but it does provide 15 servings & unlike regular peanut butter this will actually last me the 15 servings since I have to measure out the 2 tablespoons each time.  With regular peanut butter, I tend to slab a bit more than 2 tablespoons on my toast and before I know it I am out of the jar!

Other purposes PB2 can serve:
  • If you are trying to lose weight, this product is a good pick with its low calorie content
  • If you need to add some taste to your morning smoothie, this would be easy to mix in
  • If you have a high fat, but tasty baked good recipe that uses peanut butter then PB2 could be used as a replacement to lower the calories and fat content
  • It can add flavor to your favorite afternoon snacks by serving as a dip (think pretzels, banana slices, etc.)
Would I completely take out my natural peanut butter and replace it with this?  Probably not.  However, I firmly believe that variety is the spice of life so having options is ALWAYS a good thing!  Give it a try next time you are at Central Market or Sprouts!

Eat well,