Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Favorite sandwich?

Everyone has one.  Every significant other can mess it up or make it wrong.  Every plate in your house has probably held it.  Every taste bud has savored it. It is your "go to" when you don't want to play Master Chef.  It can fit in a brown paper bag and be taken to work.  It never gets old.  So what is the "it" exactly?  Your favorite sandwich.

My favorite sandwich has one standard and then a few topping alternatives.  If I were a psychologist looking into this way too much, I would say this bit of info means I am comfortable with change and like to try new things.  Slowly, of course.  Too much change at once would be overwhelming.  Much like changing out my favorite sandwich completely. That would be too intense!

Time to make a sandwich!
So what is the standard? Crunchy peanut butter. What are the alternatives?  Sliced bananas, dried pears, dried apples, or raisins.  I sometimes will sprinkle cinnamon or a little agave nectar too, depending on how I feel at the moment (or really, if I think of it). 

And bread of choice?  Bread is always a tough choice.  I am extremely picky with bread, since most breads are highly over-processed and I just don't dig the over-processed stuff.  So, my choice is a brand called Ezekial.  I buy the Ezekial pita bread and toast it (I love anything crunchy!)  Ezekial brand comes in the freezer since it has no preservatives.  And, take a look at these ingredients: Organic 100% Stone Ground Whole Wheat Flour, Water, Fresh Carrots, Barley Flour, Millet Flour, Lentil Flour, Spelt Flour, Soy Flour, Fresh Yeast, Sea Salt.  Wow, I can pronounce them all AND I know what they are.  Just what I like!

Now tell me.. what is your favorite sandwich?

Eat well,

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