Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Bar None... or One?

So many to choose from!
Energy bars, protein bars, granola bars, nutrition bars, supplement bars...  Wow, do you think the nutrition industry has enough "types" of bars??  I think yes, but I can almost guarantee that as I write this another one is being developed. So, what's in a bar and is it worth your precious dollars??

The Scoop:  With our on-the-go lifestyle, a nutrition bar can often be a good snack to hold you over while you are waiting in line at the DPS (because you know it is going to take you longer than your lunch break), power you through your morning workout, or even have handy when you are taking that adventurous hike up a mountain this summer.

Bri's Take: If you haven't heard me talk about nutrition yet, then let me begin with my TOP nutrition habit everyone could use more of: Eat mainly foods with the least amount of ingredients.  This is the most important part of a food label!  Why go with the least amount of ingredients? Because, it has been "touched" less... or is less processed.  Have you ever thought about why an apple doesn't have a food label attached to it?  It doesn't need one.  It only has one ingredient- the apple!  

So, even with nutrition bars the ingredients list is where I would start.  I really dig the ones with less than 5 ingredients or a little longer of a list of ingredients, but with all I can pronounce and understand!

My 3 top favorites (in no particular order) are:

  1. Larabar Cherry Pie
  2. KIND Cranberry Almond & Antioxidants
  3. Open Nature Cranberry (Tom Thumb's brand)
The only downfall with purchasing these healthier bars is that many times they come with a pricier tag.  At Tom Thumb where I shop mostly, the Larabars run $1.33 per bar, the KIND bars are about $1.25 per bar, and the Open Nature bars are $.99 per bar. I also shop at Central Market and every so often the KIND or Larabars are one sale for $.99 too. I often go with the least expensive since I buy several at a time.  They are easy to pack and eat on the go when going from work to teaching a Pure Barre class!

Only 3 ingredients! (Larabar)
Lots of ingredients! (Kashi)
If you are really on a budget and need to go cheaper, look into Kashi bars (box of 6 for about $3 total).  They have a longer list of ingredients, but most of them you can pronounce with the exception of a few. To give you an example though of differences in ingredients, look at the pictures to the right.  This shows you Kashi vs. Larabar.  Crazy, right?!

It goes without saying, but TASTE is a big factor in choosing bars too.  While Larabar Cherry Pie is one of my favorites, I have had the Larabar Blueberry Muffin and can't stand it.  Even within brands you have taste differences and a new list of ingredients so take a look, try a few, & then decide what your favorite is.  If you already have a favorite, reply with the name of it in the comment section so we can all try it too. 

Eat well,

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